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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin!
WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance.
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- AirGo- Baked giant grenadier steak
- Egg Skirt Dumplings
- 【AirGo- Sweet and sour salmon fish balls】
- 【AirGo-Dried Scallop and Endive Belgian】
- Chinese sausage and Tofu Stir Fry
- Fresh corn kernels and glutinous rice flour pancake
- King oyster mushroom Stir Fry
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走走看看(一) — 南京清凉山
走走看看(一) — 南京清凉山 毛毛爸 从前家就在清凉山附近,但我没去过。那时南京的火葬场在清凉山上,山周围的虎踞关、龙蟠里,听起来很有气势,其实都是非常小的街道。后来火葬场迁出,辟成清凉山公园,园内倒是郁郁葱葱,有实实在在的古迹,而且不要门票,但人气总也不旺。 以下多摘自百度百科: 清凉山古名石头山、石首山,踞于南京城西。古时,长江自清凉山脚下流过,江水冲击拍打,形成悬崖峭壁,成为天然屏障。吴帝孙权在此建立石头城,作为江防要塞,故此又有石头城之称。相传诸葛亮曾与孙权在此观察山川地势,感叹曰:“钟阜龙蟠,石城虎踞,真乃帝王之宅也。”这只蹲踞江岸的老虎就是指清凉山。自唐以后,长江逐渐西徙,清凉山险要不再。 清凉山山高100多米,方圆约4公里,现已建成清凉山公园。清凉山公园有“六朝胜迹”之称,是南京一座历史文化名园。园内树木葱郁,古迹有东吴时的驻马坡、南唐时的还阳井、李后主避暑的清凉寺、翠薇亭,还有唐代的善庆寺,明代的崇正书院、扫叶楼等。 扫叶楼在西侧山坡上,为明末清初著名画家、诗人,金陵八家之首的龚贤旧居。明亡后龚贤在清凉山定居,他曾作自画像,手执扫帚作扫落叶状,因之称扫叶楼。 崇正书院位于清凉寺东麓,为明朝嘉靖年间督学御史耿定向讲学所筑。书院共三进,前两进两侧有游廊相连。 清凉山确实是清幽 非常喜欢江南的白墙、黑瓦、和花窗 山下入口处有些商业化了,有会馆(饭店),卖灵壁石、雨花石的,山间有画家们的私人画室。 You might also like:Steamed buns with mug bean filling 绿豆沙包绿豆沙包 Steamed buns with mug bean fill…松茸炒三文鱼Matsutake mushroom and salmon fish stir fry松茸炒三文鱼Matsutake mushroom a…软炸腐乳鸡排Air Fryer chicken thigh软炸腐乳鸡排Air … Continue reading
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