红葱头芦笋炒鸡蛋Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

A simple, quick, nutritious, healthy and delicious dish. It can be served as breakfast or for dinner.

红葱头芦笋炒蛋 红葱头芦笋炒鸡蛋Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

Prepare time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5-6 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 3 servings


1) 3 thick asparagus (110g);
2) 2 shallots (120g)
3) 3 extra large eggs, 2 tbsp freshly chopped green onion, ½ tsp salt, 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix;
4) 1 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil;
5) 1 tsp sesame oil;

1: Peel off the skin of asparagus (Picture2), rinse with cold water, then cut 2 mm thick pieces (Picture2). Remove skin of shallots (Picture3), rinse with cold water, then chop into small pieces (Picture 4).
2: Eggs with all ingredients of Ingredient 3) in a bowl (Picture4), beat well (Picture5).

 红葱头芦笋炒鸡蛋Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

3: Non-stick pan on medium-high heat, add 1 tbsp oil, sauté chopped shallots for 1-2 minute (Picture 7), add sliced asparagus, stir and cook for 30 seconds (Picture 8).

红葱头芦笋炒蛋2 红葱头芦笋炒鸡蛋Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

4: Pour in beaten egg mixture (Picture 9), cook 1-2 minutes and gently stir a few times until egg just start to solidify (Picture 10). Add 1 tsp sesame oil, mix well. Transfer to a serving plate and serve warm.

pf button big 红葱头芦笋炒鸡蛋Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

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353 Responses to 红葱头芦笋炒鸡蛋Shallot asparagus and egg stirfry

  1. Truly inspirational work, or so I tell myself as I avoid my own projects.

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