【Chicken in preserved bean curd and anka sauce】
by MaomaoMom
This is a dish that my family enjoys a lot. It’s great serve with some rice.
Prepare time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Level: Low
Serves: 8 servings
1) 1250g chicken, diced into 1 inch cubes;
2) 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 green onions rinsed and chopped to 2 inch length, 5g fresh ginger sliced, 1.5 tbsp Anka sauce , 2 pieces fermented chili bean curd +1tbsp sauce;
3) 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp dark soy souce, 1tbsp Yummy House soy sauce;
1: In InstantPot pressure cooker, select “Saute” function “high”, add 1 tbsp olive oil and chopped green onion and sliced ginger, sauté for a minute (Picture 1).
2: Add in the rest ingredients of Ingredient 2) (picture 2), sauté for a minute. Then add in chicken pieces, stir and cook for 2 minutes.
3: Add all ingredients of Ingredient 3) (picture 3), stir and cover the lid and place the pressure valve to “Seal” position. Press “Poultry” button.
4: When the program is done, wait another 3 minutes. Slowly release the pressure then open the lid (picture 4). Stir the meat and press “sauté” function on“high” to reduce the sauce. Serve with some rice immediately. Yummy!!
谢谢你的菜谱, 永远是最好最标准的。
我的电压力锅买了两年多了, 没有Saute 那档, 请问用哪档代替?
Hi, I have been looking for Anka Sauce but couldn’t find it in the Asian Mkts. Can you please tell me more info about it, like how does it taste like, why is it needed for braising pig’s feet? Please advise.
It is fermented rice in red color: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fshopee.tw%2F%25E7%259C%259F%25E5%25A5%25BD%25E5%25AE%25B6%25E7%25B4%2585%25E7%25B3%259F%25E9%2586%25AC270g-i.14988571.3211565076&psig=AOvVaw2vLeBr9W6lYhxh4rREewja&ust=1596820864144000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCMDwqbiLh-sCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAK