
【柠檬方块酥糕】—我最喜欢的一个方子–English follows

by 毛毛妈


lemonsquare 2 【柠檬方块酥糕】—我最喜欢的一个方子用料:




3:中筋面2杯 (All purpose flour) 320克,泡打粉1/2茶匙。





糕底:将牛油放一盆里,用搅拌器高速打几分钟成雪花状(图A),然后倒入白糖1/2杯打匀(图B),接着边高速搅拌边将面粉分两次放入打均匀至肉馅样(图C-D)。然后倒入9-13英寸(22X32厘米)的烤盘里,用橡皮刀抹匀(图E),放入预热至 330F/165摄氏的烤箱内,烤15分钟待用。

lemonsquare 1 【柠檬方块酥糕】—我最喜欢的一个方子

柠檬馅:另取一干净盆放入鸡蛋,用干净的搅拌器高速打几分钟至浓稠(图F),然后边高速搅拌边将糖分3次放入打至均匀(图G),接着放入柠檬皮碎和汁打均匀。最后筛入6料(图H),高速打1分钟。将柠檬馅料倒在糕底上(图I),再放入330F/165摄氏的烤箱内,烤30-35分 钟至表面微黄取出。冷凉切块食用,香甜松酥,非常棒。4612468398 d36589a943 o 【柠檬方块酥糕】—我最喜欢的一个方子PS:吃剩的柠檬方糕,放入密闭塑料盒,室温保存3天没问题。


Lemon Square

By Maomaomom

This is my favorite recipe for Lemon square, absolutely delicious! The recipe has been tested and improved over the years in my kitchen. The crust is crispy and crumbly with mouth watery fresh lemon filling on top, not too sweet and not too sour, just perfect! I had made them for my son’s school party and my colleagues at work with huge success.  One of my colleagues said: “The lemon square that I made is the best she has ever tasted”. Many of my colleagues and friends have asked for the recipe, so I share it with you.



1: 1 cup unsalted butter;

2: ½ cup natural granulated sugar.

3: 2 cups all-purpose flour mix well with ½ teaspoon baking powder;


4: 4 large eggs;

5: 1 1/3 cups natural granulated sugar;

6: 1 tablespoon lemon zests, 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (from 1-2 fresh lemons);

7: ¼ cup all purpose mix well with ½ teaspoon baking powder.

Cooking directions:


1: In a large mixing bowl, cream butter on high speed, add ½ cup sugar beat until fluffy, then add in flour baking powder mixture, beat the batter until meaty.

2: Scrape mixture into a 9×13 inch glass baking pan and smooth the top, bake in a preheated oven at 340 oF / 170oC for 15 minutes and set aside.


3: While the crust is baking, prepare the lemon filling top. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs until pale and then add sugar continue beat for 2 minutes.

4: Add the lemon zests, along with the lemon juice, to the egg mixture and beat well. Add flour and baking powder mixture in and beat for another minute.

5: Pour the lemon mixture onto the crust, bake for another 30 minutes, until filling is set. Let cool before cutting.




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94 Responses to 【柠檬方块酥糕】—我最喜欢的一个方子

  1. Virginiagirl says:


  2. 懒人也想吃 says:

    毛毛妈,今天我试着作了这款,看着你的书作的。因为黄油不够,其他分量也作了相应递减。又因为没有普通面粉,所以用全麦面粉代替了。烤出来后表面有些焦,显得干干的,是不是全麦面粉不好用在这里?另外打鸡蛋时,是用beater好,还是用wire whip好?最后一点,你的中文里是330F,英文里又是340F,哪一个更好呢?


    • 毛毛妈 says:

      做糕点最好先按原方做一次,成功后再改动。 甜点的香甜来自牛油和白糖,害怕的话,吃的portion少一点。植物奶油不大行,而且更不健康。
      我打鸡蛋时,是用handheld mixer. 330F 或 340F都行

  3. jackie says:


  4. JunJun says:


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