【Shredded bean curd in fermented black bean sauce】
Very tasty and healthy dish, you should try it.
Cook time: 10 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 3 servings
1) 1 package shredded bean curd (270g);
2) 1 small piece fermented bean curd, 1 tbsp sweet flour paste, ½ cup water;
3) 1 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil, 1 tbsp freshly chopped green onion, 2 tsp sliced garlic;
4) 1 tbsp premium soy sauce, 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix, 1 tsp chili sauce;
5: 1 tsp sesame oil.
1: Rinse shredded bean curd with water and cut into 1 in long pieces (Picture1). In a bowl, mince fermented bean curd (Picture 2) and combine all ingredients of Ingredient 2) (Picture 3).
2: A non-stick pan on medium-high heat, add 1tbsp oil, sauté chopped green onion and sliced garlic for 30 seconds (Picture 4). Add shredded bean curd, sauté for 1 minute (Picture 5).
3: Add all ingredients of Ingredient 5) (Picture 6), stir a few time. Cover with the lid and cook for 4-5 minutes. Open the lid and reduce the sauce to 1 tbsp left. Add 1 tsp sesame oil, mix well. Transfer to a serving plate and serve warm.
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