葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad

【Enoki and carrots salad】
by MaomaoMom

This cold salad is a great addition for your party any time.

 葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad
Meal type: Vegetable
Prepare time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Level: Easy
Serves: 4 servings


1) 2 packages Enoki (total 400g);
2) 2 small bay carrots (70g), ¼ tsp salt;
3) 2 tsp olive oil, 2 tsp sesame oil , 2 tbsp freshly chopped green onion;
4), 2 tsp balsamic vinegar or dark vinegar , 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1.5 tsp premium soy sauce , 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix.

1: Peel off skin of the carrots, rinse with water and cut into thin matchstick-sized strips (Picture 1), add ¼ salt and mixt well, let stand for 20 minutes. Remove roots of Enoki mushrooms, rinse with water and drain.
2: In a sauce pot, fill with 4-5 cold water and bring to boil on high heat. Add Enoki and cook for 5 seconds (Picture 2), rinse with cold water (Picture 3) and drain well, set aside.

 葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad

3: Heat 2 tsp olive oil and 2 tsp sesame oil in a non-stick sauté pan, sauté chopped green onion for 45 seconds (Picture 4), remove from heat and set aside.
4: Gentle squeeze carrots strips to remove excess water and place in a clean bowl. Add cooked Enoki, and add all ingredients of Ingredient 4). Add above green onion and oil, toss to coat well and serve.

 葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad

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189 Responses to 葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad

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