豆豉炒大虾Shrimp stir fry in fermented black bean sauce

【Shrimp stir fry in fermented black bean sauce】
by MaomaoMom

I made this dish with fermented black bean, it is very tasty. Both Maomao and MaomaoDad loved this dish and your family would love it too. If you like to have a Ropot go to https://www.ropots.com/, with a coupon of maomaomom88 for $30 off. During Nov. 21 to 25, black Friday sale with  maomaomomgroup coupon for $50 off!

 豆豉炒大虾Shrimp stir fry in fermented black bean sauce
Prepare time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 4 servings


1) 1 Package deveined large frozen shrimps (454g);
2) 1.5 tbsp avocado oil or olive oil, 1 green onion finely chopped, 3 clove garlic minced, 1 tbsp fermented black bean;
3) 1 tbsp premium soy sauce, 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix, 1/6 tsp finely ground white pepper, ½ tsp brown sugar, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar;
5) 1/2 tsp sesame oil.

1: Place shrimps in the sink filled with cold water to thaw, remove shells and keep the tails, rinse and drain well, set aside (Picture 1).
2: Plug in the Ropot cooker, press Power button to preheat the cooker. Add 1.5 tbsp oil to the inner pot. Add chopped green onion, mince garlic and fermented black beans (Picture 2), close the lid, press Function to select Sauté function, when 3 seconds count down finishes, press – sign and decrease to 1 minute.

 豆豉炒大虾Shrimp stir fry in fermented black bean sauce

3: When the program ends, open the lid, add shrimps and all ingredients of Ingredient 3) (Picture 3), close the lid. Press Function to select Sauté again, program starts automatically.
4: When the program ends, open the lid, add 1/2 tsp sesame oil, close the lid and press “Toss” key to mix. When it is done, transfer cooked shrimps to a serving plate and serve immediately with some steamed rice.

 豆豉炒大虾Shrimp stir fry in fermented black bean sauce

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42 Responses to 豆豉炒大虾Shrimp stir fry in fermented black bean sauce

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