【Potato Pancakes】
by MaomaoMom
I made these potato pancakes for dinner for my son Maomao. He loved it and says it’s so tasty. Try this recipe in your kitchen and you’ll see these potato pancakes disappear fast.
Prepare time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 6 servings
1) 6 small potatoes (350 g);
2) 1 large egg, 1/3 cup water (80 g), ½ tsp salt, 1/6 tsp chicken broth mix, 1/6 tsp finely ground black pepper;
3) 1/3 cup unsifted all purpose flour (53 g), 2 tbsp finely chopped green onion;
4) 3×1 tbsp olive oil.
1: Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut into thin slices, stack them up and cut into thin matchstick size strips (Picture 1).
2: In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients of Ingredient 2). Add potato strips and 1/3 cup flour (Picture 2) and mix well. Finally add finely chopped green onion (Picture 3) and mix well (Picture 4).
4: Repeat for the rest of batter. Cut each pancake into 8 slices and serve immediately.
Michigan, Montcalm may be very rural.
Sunday at Bailey & Foster Chapel with Dr.
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