AirGo之海鲜烩饭Seafood rice

【AirGo- Seafood rice】

It is so easy to make this delicious seafood rice with AirGo cooker. To purchase go to: AirGo cooker, with a coupon of maomao25 for $25 off.

海鲜烩饭final2 AirGo之海鲜烩饭Seafood rice
Prepare time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 6 servings


1) ½ package frozen deveined white shrimps (227g), ½ package frozen scallops;
2) ½ tsp salt;
3) 3 shallots (180g);
4) 1.5 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil, 1/3 tsp black ground pepper, 2 tsp dry saffron, ¼ tsp chicken broth mix, 1 tsp salt;
5) 1.5 cups long grain rice;
6) 2+1/3 cups water.

1: Place shrimps and scallops in cold water to thaw (Picture 1), remove shells of shrimps, rinse and drain well. Also rinse scallops and drain well. Place them in a bowl, add ½ tsp salt, mix well and set aside (Picture 2).
2: Remove skin of shallots, rinse with cold water, then chop into small pieces (Picture 3). Plugin the 【AirGo】cooker, use “Function” to select the “Base heating” program, set temperature 420F and time 15 min. press “start” to initiate the program. After preheat is done, add 1.5 tbsp cooking oil and chopped shallots, stir a few times (Picture 4). Close the lid and cook for 2 minutes.

海鲜烩饭1 AirGo之海鲜烩饭Seafood rice

3: Open the lid, stir a few times, add rinsed and drained rice and the rest of ingredients of Ingredient 4) (Picture 5-6), mix well. Add 2 and 1/3 cups water, stir to mix (Picture 7), close the lid and let the program to finish.
4: When the program ends, open the lid, stir to mix well and then close the lid again. Use “Function” to select the “Base heating” program, set temperature 325F and time 12 min. and let the program to finish.
5. When the second program ends, open the lid, add shrimps and scallops and mix well (Picture 8). Close the lid and use “Function” to select the “Base heating” program, set temperature 300F and time 6 min.
6. When third program ends, open the lid and stir to mix. Close the lid and wait for 2 min. before serving.

海鲜烩饭final2 AirGo之海鲜烩饭Seafood rice

pf button big AirGo之海鲜烩饭Seafood rice

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