AirGo-虎皮辣椒Pan Seared Green Chili Pepper

【AirGo-Pan Seared Green Chili Pepper】

A tasty and healty chili pepper dish. With AirGo, you do not need to deep fry the pepper, just use the Air Fryer function, very easy and fumeless. To purchase go to: AirGo cooker, with a coupon of maomao25 for $25 off.

 AirGo 虎皮辣椒Pan Seared Green Chili Pepper
Prepare time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10+3 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 3 servings


1) 300g fresh green chili pepper (Anaheim);
2) 1 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil;
3) 1 tbsp premium soy sauce, 2 tsp light soy sauce; 1/2 tsp lakanto sugar,;
4) 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix;
5) 1 tsp sesame oil.

1: Rinse pepper with cold water, cut in half and cut in quart, remove seeds and cut in half again (Picture 1).
2: Plugin the 【AirGo】cooker, add 1tbsp oil and arrange pepper with skin side down (Picture 2). Use “Function” to select the “Air Fryer” program, set temperature to 420F and time to 10 min. press “start” to initiate the program.

虎皮辣椒1 AirGo 虎皮辣椒Pan Seared Green Chili Pepper

3: After cooking for about 6 minutes (or upon when beeping), open the lid, turn over the pepper (Picture 3). Close the lid and let the program to finish.
4: When the “Air Fryer” program ends, open the lid, add all ingredients of Ingredient 3)-4), and use “Function” to select the “Base Heat” program, set temperature to 375F and time to 3 min. press “start” to initiate the program.
5: When the program ends, open the lid, add 1 tsp sesame oil, mix well. Then transfer them to a serving plate and serve warm.

pf button big AirGo 虎皮辣椒Pan Seared Green Chili Pepper

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169 Responses to AirGo-虎皮辣椒Pan Seared Green Chili Pepper

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