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【InstantPot 70 Delicious Dishes 七十道美味菜】ebook is released!

Busy, no time to cook?! Then follow the 70 easy step-by-step Instant Pot recipes from to enrich your family dinner table and have a great family mealtime.

Have a glance of samples:

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To purchase [InstantPot 70 Delicious Dishes] for $3.99 USD:

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【Dim Sum & Desserts】is released!

My first eBook【Dim Sum & Desserts】is finally released! Do you crave the delicious Chinese dim sum and desserts or simply miss the foods that you had as a child back in China? Follow these step-by-step recipes selected from, and enjoy the oriental cuisine or let them take you on a trip down memory lane.

Have a glance of samples:

clickinside My Book
Please go to the following link to purchase:

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493 Responses to My Book

  1. Amy Zhou says:

    I just bought your ebook. Can you email me an PDF of your cookbook? Thanks.

    Transaction ID: 5237833357640861E

  2. Amy Zhou says:

    Transaction ID: 5237833357640861E

    Could you please email me a copy? Thanks.

  3. Helen Chen says:

    Hi Maomao mom,

    I just bought your ebook, Could you please send me a copy of PDF of cookbook to my email? Receipt#0303-4295-0343-3711


  4. Hualan Liu says:

    hello 毛毛妈,首先我想感谢你分享这么详细的菜谱,我刚来美国的时候,学习做饭几乎都是跟着你的菜谱做的。我于今年4月30日在网上按照instruction购买了你的2011年出版的纸质版菜谱书,但是我一直没有收到书。我今天(7月5日)才发现,原来美国购买需要付款35美金,但是我当时用paypal付款的时候,没有美金这个选项。所以汇率换算过来,我只付款了26.21美金(Paypal transaction ID: 7FM50040X9477330E )。我想请问你一下,我如何能够把余额补足,同时能够让你们church的相关人员把书寄给我呢?

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