香椿蛋饼Toona sinensis leaf Pancake

【Toona sinensis leaf Pancake】

One of my best girlfriends gave me some young leaves of Toona sinensis, I used them to make this delicious pancake. It is an easy and quick recipe for breakfast.

 香椿蛋饼Toona sinensis leaf Pancake

Prepare time: 6 minutes
Cook time: 2×5 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 2 servings


1) 2 large egg, ¾ cup + 2 tsp water (130g);
2) 2/3 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix, ¼ tsp ground white pepper:
3) ½ cup +2 tbsp all-purpose flour (a total of 100g);
4) 60g young leaves of Toona sinensis;
5) 1 tsp sesame oil;
6) 3-5 tsp avocado oil or other cooking oil for pan frying.

1: Rinse leaves of Toona sinensis (Picture 1), drain and mice to small pieces. In a medium size bowl, add all ingredients of Ingredient 1) and 2), mix well (Picture 2-3).
2: Add flour, mix well until no dry flour lumps. Add chopped Toona sinensis leaves, mix well (Picture 4).

 香椿蛋饼Toona sinensis leaf Pancake

3. A non-stick frying pan on medium heat, add 1 tsp oil and use paper towel to spread the oil to coat entire bottom of the pan (Picture 5).
4: When pan is hot, add 1/2 batter, and spread the batter evenly (Picture 6). Cook for 1-2 minutes (Picture 8), loose the pancake and add 1-2 tsp oil cook for another minute until light brown.

香椿蛋饼2 香椿蛋饼Toona sinensis leaf Pancake

5: Turn over the pancake (Picture 7), cook for another 1-2 minutes until light brown (Picture 8). Take out the pancakes and keep warm.
6: Repeat for the other half batter, cut and serve immediately.

pf button big 香椿蛋饼Toona sinensis leaf Pancake

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141 Responses to 香椿蛋饼Toona sinensis leaf Pancake

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