家常肉饼Meat pockets

【Meat pockets】

Loves these meat pockets, meat filling is so juicy and tasty! You got to try this.

家常肉饼final 家常肉饼Meat pockets
Prepare time: 40 minutes
Cook time: 2×8 minutes
Standard time: 120 min.
Level: low
Serves: 10 servings


1) 1.5 cups all-purpose flour (240g);
2) 1/2 cup just boiled water (120g), ¼ cup cold water (60g),;
3) 2 tsp avocado oil or other cooking oil;
4) Oil paste: 2 tbsp avocado or other cooking oil (25g), 4 tbsp all-purpose flour (40g), mix well;
5) 200 g extra lean ground pork;
6) 2 shallots (120g), 1 green onion;
7) 2 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp premium soy sauce, 1tbsp light soy sauce, 1tbsp oyster sauce, 1/6 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp chicken broth mix, ¼ tsp ground black pepper, 1.5 tsp corn starch, cold water 2 tbsp;
8) 2 x 1 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil for pan frying;


1: Dough: Measure flour in a medium bowl, slowly stir in 120g boiling water, and continue to stir while add 60 g cold water until form a sticky dough (Picture 1). Add 2 tsp avocado oil, knead the dough for 1 minutes until it forms a smooth ball (Picture 2). Cover with a damp cloth or food wrap and let it stand for 120 minutes.
2: Filling: Remove old skin of shallots, rinse with water and then chop finely (Picture 3), finely chop the green onions as well. Combine all ingredients of Ingredient 5-7) in a bowl (Picture 4). Stir with a pair of chopsticks in one direction for 3 minutes, until it becomes sticky.

家常肉饼1 家常肉饼Meat pockets

3: On a lightly oiled working surface, divide into 10 equal portions (Picture 5). Roll each to a log, press down and roll out into 1 mm thick rectangle (10×30 cm). Place 2-3 tbsp filling on one end of the wrapper (Picture 7), add 1/10 oil paste on the empty area and smooth out evenly. Fold from one end to the other end, and pinch together to seal (Picture 8). Press down a bit.

家常肉饼2 家常肉饼Meat pockets

4: A nonstick pan on medium-low heat, add 1 tbsp oil and place 5 meat pockets (Picture 9). Cook for 4-5 minutes until one side is golden.
5: Turn over (picture 10), cook for another 4 minutes, and take out the cooked pockets. Serve warm, very delicious.

pf button big 家常肉饼Meat pockets

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119 Responses to 家常肉饼Meat pockets

  1. シ役所に来てからもひき逃げ事件の犯人を探していたが、事件の被害者である彼方が同時刻シ役所に訪れる。日雇労働被保険者とは、被保険者であって日々雇用される者、または、30日以内の期間を定めて雇用される労働者(日雇い労働者)のうち、所定の要件を満たしたものをいう(第42条)。 2022年春より北海道内7局がそれぞれ担当するローカル枠の放送エリアを再編し、関係局の業務と体制の大幅な見直しを進める方針である。 『ダークネス』57話では、わけあってリトが変装していた校長の正体を察知し、影でその正体を知った。

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