


by 毛毛妈

简易版水煮鱼1 简易版水煮鱼




3:姜末1大匙,蒜末1.5大匙,葱花1大匙,辣豆瓣酱3大匙,辣椒粉(McCormick Paprika)1茶匙.



中号锅加半锅水,置炉上开大火煮滚,下粉丝烫2分钟捞出放入一大盆里,接着放入小白菜烫熟,捞出放同一盆里(图A)。 不沾锅放油4大匙,置炉上开中火,放入4料里的干辣椒和花椒炒至辣椒深宗红色捞出待用(图B)。

简易版水煮鱼2 简易版水煮鱼


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30 Responses to 简易版水煮鱼

  1. DK says:

    English Translation:

    Simple Boiled Fish


    1:850 g fresh or frozen sole fillets washed, drained and cut; 1 Tablespoon Jia Shao cooking wine; ½ teaspoon salt; 1.5 Tablespoons cornstarch; 1/8 teaspoon white pepper. Mix well and marinate for 20 minutes.
    2:1 Tablespoon rice wine; 2 cups water; 1 Tablespoon Sheng Chou (生抽) soy sauce; 2 teaspoons sugar; 2 teaspoons Zhenjiang (dark) vinegar; ¼ teaspoon white pepper; ½ teaspoon salt.
    3:1 Tablespoon minced ginger; 1.5 Tablespoons minced garlic; 1 Tablespoon chopped green onion; 3 Tablespoons hot bean paste (辣豆瓣酱); 1 teaspoon paprika.
    4:4 Tablespoons canola oil; 16 whole chilies cut into small pieces using scissors; 1 Tablespoon whole Sichuan pepper (prickly ash).
    5:200 g small Chinese cabbage (bok choi) washed and separated; 100 g softened glass noodles (粉丝).


    Fill a medium pot halfway and bring to a rolling boil. Remove from heat and soak glass noodles for 2 minutes. Remove glass noodles from water and set aside in a large bowl. Blanch bok choi in boiling water and set aside in the same bowl (Figure A). Heat 4 Tablespoons oil in a nonstick pan over medium-high heat and add the remaining materials from #4. When chili peppers have turned a deep red, remove from the oil and set aside (Figure B), reserving the oil in the pan.

    Add the ingredients from #3 to the remaining hot oil in the pan (Figure C), followed quickly by the ingredients from #2. Bring to a boil. Add the marinated fish, gently separating the fillets with chopsticks and boil for 3 minutes (Figure D). Remove the fish soup from the heat and pour into the bowl with cabbage and noodles. Top with fried chilies and prickly ash and serve.

  2. Grace says:


  3. Grace says:


  4. Grace says:

    你好。之前我说Basa Fillets.你在答复中说不大好。今天我去超市看到很多种龙利鱼,我买了sole Fillets.不知道哪种比较好呢。谢谢

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