红烧带鱼Braised Ribbonfish

【Braised Ribbonfish】

The ribbonfish used in this dish is wild, great taste. Just two of us could not help to finish almost entire dish.

 红烧带鱼Braised Ribbonfish
Prepare time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Level: low
Serves: 4

1) 500g wild ribbonfish;
2) 1 green onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 3-5g ginger;
3) 1.5 tbsp avocado oil or other cooking oil;
4) 1 tbsp cooking wine, 2/3 cup water, 1 tbsp premium soy sauce, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar;
5) 1 tbsp brown sugar, 1/4 tsp ground white pepper, ¼ tsp chicken broth mix;
6) 1 tsp sesame oil.
Directions see the video (Like this video, please subscribe and click like, thanks!):

带鱼视频 红烧带鱼Braised Ribbonfish

1: Slice green onion and ginger, crush the garlic, set aside (Picture1). Wash the fish with cold water, and pat dry the fish. Cut into 4 cm long pieces and make a few light cuts on both side (Picture2).
2: Heat 1.5 tbsp oil in a non-stick sauté pan on medium-high heat, pan fry fish (Picture 3) until skin turn golden colour about 3-4 minutes. Carefully turn over the fish (Picture 4) and cook the other side for about 3 minutes.

 红烧带鱼Braised Ribbonfish

3: Add chopped green onion, garlic and sliced ginger, cook for 30 seconds (Picture 4). Add all ingredients of Ingredient 4)-5) and cover with the lid (Picture 5), reduce to medium heat, and cook for 2 minutes.
4: Remove lid, turn over fish, continue cook until sauce become thicken, add 1 tsp sesame oil (Picture 6), stir to mix. Transfer to a serving plate and serve immediately over some steamed rice.

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328 Responses to 红烧带鱼Braised Ribbonfish

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