Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

【Black sesame puff pastry cakes】
by MaomaoMom

This delicious puff pastry cake is made with roasted black sesame and pecan filling and Chinese phyllo wrap. Its shape looks like cow tongue and thus got it Chinese name as Cow tongue cake.

 Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼
Meal type: Appetizer or dessert
Prepare time: 1.5 h
Cook time: 20 minutes
Level: medium
Yield: 12 servings


Puff pastry:

1) 3/4 cup unsifted all purpose flour (120g), 3 tbsp lard (45g) diced;
2) 3 tbsp water (45 g);
3) 1/3 cup unsifted cake&pastry flour (55g), 3 tbsp lard (45g) diced.

4) 1/4 cup glutinous rice flour (25g), microwave 1 minute, stir and microwave 1 minute again;
5) 1/3 cup roasted black sesame seeds (40g); ½ cup roasted pecans (55g), ¾ tsp salt, 1 tbsp sugar, 1/3 to ½ tsp Sechuan peppercorn powder;
6) 2 tbsp honey;
7) 1 egg white, beaten;


1: Place all ingredients of Ingredient 1) in a bowl (Picture 1), work lard into flour using your fingers or a pastry blender until the mixture becomes crumbly (Picture 2). Add water of Ingredient 2) and combine them with a fork (Picture 3). Transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead a few times until form smooth dough (Picture 4). Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 15 minutes.

椒盐牛舌饼1 Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

Oil paste:
2: Combine all ingredients of Ingredient 3) in a small container (Picture 5). Work lard into flour using your fingers or a pastry blender until become combined to form dough (Picture 6) Cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 15 minutes.
Sesame filling:
3: Place roasted sesame seeds and roasted pecans in two plastic bags, repectively, seal and roll with a rolling pin to crush into fine pieces (Picture 7-8). Transfer the crushed seeds and pecans to a medium size bowl. Add all the rest of ingredients of Ingredient 5) and 4) (Picture 9) and mix well. Add honey (Picture 10) and beaten egg white (Picture 11) mix to combine well (Picture 12). Dust flour on your fingers and divide the filling into 12 equal portions (Picture 13), and set aside.

椒盐牛舌饼2 Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

Puff pastry:
4: Knead the dough a few times and then divide into 12 equal portions (Picture 14) and also divide the oil paste into 12 equal portions (Picture 15). Flatten each dough to a circle and place one oil paste ball on top. Carefully work the dough up to cover the oil paste (Picture 16) and seal it and roll with your palms to form a ball (Picture 17). Repeat for the remaining 11 portions. Cover others with plastic wrap while working on a dough. Press down each ball and roll out into an oval about 15 cm long (Picture 18). Roll from bottom to top to form a slender roll (Pictures 19-20). Repeat for the remaining 11 portions.

椒盐牛舌饼3 Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

Assemble pastry cakes:
5: Press down each roll and roll along short direction out into an oval about 12 cm long. Roll from bottom to top to form a slender roll (see Pictures 18-20). Tug in both ends towards center to form a ball (Picture 21). Ends on the bottom (Picture 22), press down and roll out to 7-8 cm circle. Please one sesame filling on the center (Picture 24). Carefully work the dough up to cover the filling, seal the opening (Picture 25), Turn it upside down (Picture 26), press down and gently roll it out into 7-8 cm oval (Picture 27). Repeat for the remaining 11 portions.

椒盐牛舌饼4 Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

6: Place pastry cakes on a parchment paper lined baking sheet (Picture 28). Bake at 375F/190C for 20 minutes. Cool before serving.

 Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

Tips:Leftover cakes can be stored in airtight containers in a fridge for up to 4 days or in a freezer for up to 3 months. Prior to serving, bake at 350F for 5-6 minutes.

pf button big Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

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332 Responses to Black sesame puff pastry cakes 椒盐牛舌饼

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