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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin!
WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance.
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【酥皮鲜肉月饼】 by 毛毛妈 一年一度的中秋又近了,做了些酥皮鲜肉月饼。毛毛和毛毛爸都很喜欢。 用料: 水皮: 1:中筋面粉(All-purpose flour)3/4杯(120克),糖1大匙,固态猪油(Lard)4大匙(60克); 2:水3大匙(43克); 油皮 3:低筋面粉(Pastry & Cake flour)1/3杯(55克),固态猪油(Lard)3大匙(45克); 肉馅: 4:猪绞肉240克; 5:葱花2大匙,盐1/2茶匙,鸡粉1/4茶匙,糖1茶匙,生粉2茶匙,香油2茶匙,老抽2茶匙,生抽2茶匙,水2.5大匙; 注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。以上的材料可以做12鲜肉月饼。 做法: 1、肉馅:肉馅加所有5料用双筷子搅拌均匀上劲备用(图1)。 2、水皮:将猪油切小方块放入1料的面粉里(图2),用Pastry blender或用手将面粉抓捏到猪油里成肉馅样。然后倒入2料,用叉子兜匀成较大块。手上撒点面粉,将水皮在撒了稍许面粉的案板上揉几下成面团(图3左),然后保湿静置15分钟。 3、油皮:3料里的猪油同样切小方块,用Pastry blender或用手将面粉抓捏成成肉馅样,然后手上稍微沾点面粉揉成软面团(图3右),保湿静置15分钟。 4、酥皮:案板上撒少许面粉,将水皮油皮都分成2等份,取水皮一份擀成长圆形薄饼,油皮均匀抹在擀开的水皮上(图4)。折叠两次成3折(图5),旋转90度后沿纵向擀开,然后再叠两次成3折(图6-7)。擀开成长方形,从下端叠4折(图11-12)成一长条。 5、然后切2厘米的6等份,取一份挞皮压扁,将四角往中间推推,然后擀成直径10厘米的圆饼(图14)。包上十二份之一的肉馅(图15),收口(图16)放入烤盘里。 6、将烤盘放入预热至400oF/205oC的烤箱内,烤20分钟即可。 爱心分享: 1:剩余的月饼可放入密闭容器,在冰箱里储存。吃的时候放入预热至350oF/175oC烤箱中烤8分钟,同样又酥又香。 还有最近做的广式月饼,做法见紫薯广式月饼。 You might also like:超级酥松的【开口笑】【Banana Turnovers】【香蕉酥皮角】【Dim Sum & Desserts … Continue reading
Posted in 文章
Tagged Amp, Cake Flour, Lard, Pastry Blender, Purpose Flour, Tablespoon, Teaspoon