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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin! WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance. ageLOC Meta, powered by anthocyanins-natural health beneficial compounds found in the deepest purple berries and black rice. It helps support things like metabolic health and core metabolism, helps maintain healthy blood glucose, for better gut health… -
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Category Archives: 鸭肉类
【低温嫩鸭- Sous vide duck】
【低温嫩鸭- Sous vide duck】 by 毛毛妈 如果上网搜索 “Sous vide”,你会发现很多的介绍。这种烹饪方法是将肉类放在真空密闭的塑料袋里,用低温水浴(50~70oC)花较长时间煮熟,肉类鲜嫩而不会失去水分。这种烹饪方法风行于六七十年代的法国,现今被西餐大厨们广泛应用,铁厨们在电视节目也用过这个烹饪方法。市场上还有SousVide Supreme 专门的水浴器卖,价钱真不便宜。 我也想试试这个方法,正好家里的电高压锅 有保温档,温度可保持在60多摄氏度,做个杏子酱鸭胸看看效果。鸭肉很嫩,真不错。 用料: 1:带皮鸭胸一副,共480克; 2:盐1茶匙,蒜蓉2茶匙,黑胡椒粉1/2茶匙,干百里香1/3茶匙,花椒粒1/3茶匙。 3:玉米油或菜油1大匙; 杏子酱汁: 4:熟杏子1个,去皮去核,加水2大匙碾碎; 5:糖2茶匙。 注:1大匙=15毫升=1 Tablespoon,1茶匙=5毫升=1 Teaspoon,1杯=240毫升。 做法: 1、将2料均匀撒在两片鸭胸上,用手揉匀,盖上保鲜膜,在冰箱里腌2小时(图1)。然后冲掉上面的调味料,将鸭胸肉放入一个Ziploc塑料袋里,将袋中空气排出以后,封牢塑料袋口(图2)。 2、电压力锅内胆里加水到7杯的线,插上电源,不要盖盖子,按下【保温】档。20分钟后,将盛放鸭肉的塑料袋放入水中(图3),保温水浴35~40分钟。 3、捞出塑料袋,取出鸭胸肉,用纸擦去水分(图4)。不粘锅置炉上开大中火,加1大匙油,等油热后将鸭胸肉带皮的一面朝下煎黄(图5),翻转一面再煎20秒捞出。鸭肉切片后即可食用,也可配点杏子酱或桃子酱。鸭肉非常的鲜嫩好吃。 4、杏子酱的做法:将4、5料放一小锅里煮滚,改小火再煮5分钟即可。 You might also like:媲美饭店里的-【奶黄包】萱软-【奶香豆沙包】【简易八宝饭】【蓝莓松饼】