【Chia Seeds Chiffon Cake】
by MaomaoMom
Since my friend introduced the Chia seeds to me. I have been adding Chia seeds to my diet. This Chia Seeds Chiffon Cake is another good one! You can try it. Chia seed is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin C and potassium, making it great for digestion, a super food for the brain and heart and for healthy skin, hair and nails. In addition, it has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels and thus making it awesome for diabetics. The nut-like flavor is very pleasing. Chia seeds are very similar to flax in composition but are easier to digest Chia seeds come from a flowering plant in the mint family that’s native to Mexico and Guatemala, and history suggests it was a very important food crop for the Aztecs.
Prepare time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 37 minutes
Level: Medium
Serves: 16 servings
1: ½ cup cake & pastry flour (75g), 1/3 tsp baking powder, mix well with a fork;
2: 4 extra large egg whites, ½ tsp white vinegar (or 1/3 tsp cream of tartar), ¼ cup sugar (60g);
3: 4 extra large egg yolks, 3 tbsp sugar (42g), 2 tbsp corn oil (27g), ½ tsp vanilla extract , 1 tbsp water (15g);
4: 1.5 tbs chia seeds.
Preheat oven at 340F.
1: Separate egg whites and egg yolks in two separate bowls (make sure your bowls and mixer are clean and dry ), Add white vinegar to the egg whites and beat with an electric mixer on high speed until soft peaks form (Picture 1). Then add ¼ cup sugar and beat until stiff (Picture 2). Set aside.
2: Beat egg yolks and 3 tbsp sugar with the electric mixer on high speed for about 2 minutes. Add 2 tbsp corn oil and beat for another minute (Picture 3). Add the rest of ingredients of Ingredient 3) and beat at low speed for 20 seconds.
3: Add flour mixture of Ingredient 1) (Picture 4) and beat at low speed until all combined. Add chia seeds (Picture 5) and beat at high speed for a minute (Picture 5).
4: Add 1/3 of the beaten egg white into the yolk and flour mixture and mix well. Then pour it back to the remaining 2/3 beaten egg whites (Picture 6). Gently fold with a spatula to mix very well. See my chiffon cake video on folding techniques.
5: Pour batter into a 22×22 cm Pyrex baking dish (Picture 8) and smooth the top. Bake in the preheated oven at 340Ffor 37 minutes.
6: Cool the cake upside down for 20 minutes. When cooled, use a knife to loosen sides then cut into 16 pieces before serving. Store leftover cake in an air tight container at room temperature for 2 days or in fridge for up to 5 days.
This really answered my problem, thank you!
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