Pan Fried Spring Rolls

Pan Fried Spring Rolls

By Maomaomom

香煎春卷1 Pan Fried Spring Rolls


1: 200 grams pork choprinse well with water, slice and add 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons corn starch and 2 tablespoons water, mix well and let it stand for 30 minutes.

2: 15 pieces Chinese dried black fugues, soaking in water until tender, clean and rinse well, then shred them into small pieces.

3: 10Baby carrots, rinse with water and then cut into small slices.

4: 8 Chinese dried mushrooms, soaking in water until tender, clean and rinse well shred them to small slices

5: 450 grams Chinese bean sprouts, rinse well.

6: 3 Large eggs, add 1/3 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon water, mix well and set aside.

7: 1 tablespoon Chinese cooking wine, 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 3/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon white pepper powder.

8: 2 teaspoons Corn starch, 2 tablespoons water, ½ teaspoon Chicken broth mix, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, all put together and mix well.

9: 4 tablespoons Oliver oil, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 2 teaspoons shredded ginger, 2 tablespoons minced green onion.
10: Canola oil as needed, spring roll wraps one package.
11: 1 tablespoon all purpose flour, 1.5 tablespoons water, mix well.

Cooking directions:

Non stick stir frying pan on medium to high heat, add 1 tablespoon Oliver oil to the pan, add shredded pork chop, stir fry until meat become white, take out and put on a plate and set aside. Similarly cook the eggs (ingredient 6), after cooling, shred the cooked eggs. Same frying pan on medium to high heat, add 2 tablespoons Oliver oil in, then add rest of ingredient 9, sauté for 30 seconds and then add ingredients 2,3 and 4, sauté for a minute, add cooking wine, fish sauce, bean sprouts and the rest of ingredient 7, mix well. Put cooked and shredded pork chop and eggs back in, stir well, pour in all ingredient 8, mix well, set aside to cool and use as filling (picture A).

香煎春卷2 Pan Fried Spring Rolls

Carefully separate spring roll wrap (picture B), each with 1.5 tablespoons filling on one corner, roll up, tack in both sides and roll into a roll (picture C), and glue the last corner with a dub of ingredient 11. Non stick frying pan on medium heat, arrange 10-15 spring rolls in, evenly pour 1.5 tablespoons canola oil over the spring rolls, fry until one side is golden ( picture D). Turn over, add another1.5 tablespoon Canola oil, continue to cook until the other side is golden. Now, you have delicious pan fried spring rolls to serve your family and friends.

412080770 6ad5c8e573 o Pan Fried Spring Rolls Crunchy outside, very delicious。 412080773 a294626dee o Pan Fried Spring Rolls


pf button big Pan Fried Spring Rolls

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554 Responses to Pan Fried Spring Rolls

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