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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin!
WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance.
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- 【AirGo- Sweet and sour salmon fish balls】
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- Chinese sausage and Tofu Stir Fry
- Fresh corn kernels and glutinous rice flour pancake
- King oyster mushroom Stir Fry
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Tag Archives: Cream Cake
做出完美的—低脂轻乳酪蛋糕 by 毛毛妈 毛毛爸:“毛毛,你生日那天,爸爸去Costco给你买那个Raspberry and Mango Mousse Cake 好不好?” 毛毛:“En… I want Dairy Queen’s Ice Cream Cake!” 毛毛妈:“要不,妈妈给你做Cheese Cake?” 毛毛:“Ye, Cheese Cake, my favourite!” 哈,结果我又给自己揽上了活。好,好,我坦白,其实是不想毛毛吃太多的冰激凌。天也还没热,再说我做轻乳酪蛋糕都是用的低脂乳酪,而且糖量都可以自己掌握。说到轻乳酪蛋糕,前阵子私房有很多的分享,看到有个妹妹说做了五次都不成功。趁着今天做这个蛋糕,我拍了比较详细的图,同时分享我成功的一些心得,希望有心想做的XDJM们都能美美地吃上低脂轻乳酪蛋糕。 用料: 蛋糕: 1:低脂乳酪(KRAFT Philadelphia Light, Cream cheese) 400g,牛奶1杯,玉米油3大匙。 2:蛋黄6颗,白糖1/3杯(73克)。 3:玉米淀粉(Corn starch)3大匙(28克),中筋面粉(All Purpose Flour)3大匙(30克),水1/2杯(117克),搅拌均匀。 … Continue reading
Posted in Dessert, 甜点
Tagged 1 Tablespoon, 1 Teaspoon, Cheese Cake, Corn Starch, Costco, Cream Cake, Dairy Queen, Kraft Philadelphia, Light Cream Cheese, Mousse Cake, Philadelphia Light, Purpose Flour, Raspberry, 西式甜点