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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin! WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance. ageLOC Meta, powered by anthocyanins-natural health beneficial compounds found in the deepest purple berries and black rice. It helps support things like metabolic health and core metabolism, helps maintain healthy blood glucose, for better gut health… -
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- AirGo- Baked giant grenadier steak
- Egg Skirt Dumplings
- 【AirGo- Sweet and sour salmon fish balls】
- 【AirGo-Dried Scallop and Endive Belgian】
- Chinese sausage and Tofu Stir Fry
- Fresh corn kernels and glutinous rice flour pancake
- King oyster mushroom Stir Fry
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我家的茉莉花开 毛毛爸 羡慕annauk这样会种花草的。我们家没有绿手指,养得好的都是竹节海棠、蟹爪兰之类的容易打理的。 去年买了一大盆栀子花,白色的花朵香气袭人,但渐渐的绿叶萎缩。后来搬到室外有荫凉的地方,每天往叶子上喷水,它又恢复生机,结了许多花蕾。秋后天气转凉,只好又搬回室内,一个冬天下来还是死了。LD怪我将家里温度调得太低。 7年前我们去多伦多,住在毛毛妈大学同窗好友的家中。她有一株复瓣茉莉,但是她先生对花过敏,就将茉莉连同青花瓷盆送给我们。茉莉喜阳光喜湿喜肥,也不易过冬,春天时已经枝叶零落。五月挪到室外,隔天浇一次水,无论阳光如何强烈它都不怕,抽发出无数的青枝绿叶。现在移入室内,花开满屋都是它的香气。 蟹爪兰和君子兰,4盆蟹爪兰每年冬天花开两三百朵,君子兰今年刚刚花开两次。 茉莉花是我家乡福州的市花。【好一朵茉莉花】苏南小调大家耳熟能详,其实中国及世界许多地方都有自己的茉莉花民歌。福建人用茉莉花来窨制花茶(香片),始于南宋,清代为盛。近年来流行大红袍、铁观音和岩茶,然我对花茶情有独钟,去年回福州时专门到三坊七巷的茶厂门市部买了几盒明前绿。我从小在外公外婆身边,他们最爱香片,早晨起床第一件事就是烧水泡茶。 三坊七巷的茶店 You might also like:肉松蛋糕卷Steamed buns with mug bean filling 绿豆沙包绿豆沙包 Steamed buns with mug bean fill…绿茶蛋卷Matcha biscuit roll绿茶蛋卷Matcha biscuit roll糖醋肉丁Sweet and sour pork stir fry糖醋肉丁Sweet and sour pork stir fry