Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】 柔软易做【晚餐小面包】

Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】
by MaomaoMom

Inspired by Amazing Dinner rolls , I made some modifications to come out with this recipe. The roll is so soft and light, suitable to serve your guests at a dinner party.
晚餐小面包final2 Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】 柔软易做【晚餐小面包】

Meal type: Bread
Prepare time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 16 minutes
Stand time: 3-4 hours
Level: Low
Serves: 12 servings


1) 1 large egg white, 1 cup minus 2 tbsp water (210g), 3 tbsp sugar (42g), 1 tbsp milk powder;
2) 2 and 1/4 cups unsifted all purpose flour (360g), 1.5 tbsp wheat gluten(14g), 1/3 tsp salt;
3) 1.25 tsp fast rising yeast;
4) 2.5 tbsp butter soften (37.5g), 1.5 tbsp corn oil (15g);
5) egg wash: 1 egg yolk mix with 2 tsp water;
6) 2 tsp sesame seeds;


1: Place all ingredients of Ingredient 1) in bread machine, then add all ingredients in Ingredient 2) and 3) (Picture 1). Select “Dough” and start program. When the stirring begins, open the lid and quickly Ingredient 4) butter and corn oil (Picture 2). Close the lid and let the program continue until finish. The entire process takes about 2 hours.
2: When the dough doubles in volume (Picture 3), knead a few times on a floured surface, then roll into a 33-cm circle, cut into 4 equal portions (Picture 4). Cut each portion into 3 triangles. Gently roll each triangle towards the pointed end (Pictures 5-6).

晚餐小面包1 Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】 柔软易做【晚餐小面包】

3: Arrange rolls on parchment paper lined baking sheet (Picture 7). Cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 1 hour until the volume doubles.
4: Preheat oven at 350F/175C. Brush rolls with egg wash (Picture 8), and sprinkle some sesame seeds on top. Bake about 16 minutes until surface turns golden.
5: Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before serving.

晚餐小面包final1 Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】 柔软易做【晚餐小面包】

1:Store the leftover dinner rolls in an air-tight container in fridge for up to 5 days. Reheat in microwave oven for about 15 seconds before serving.

pf button big Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】 柔软易做【晚餐小面包】

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455 Responses to Very soft and easy to make【Dinner Rolls】 柔软易做【晚餐小面包】

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