Stem Lettuce stir fry 金钩莴笋

【Stem Lettuce stir fry 】
by MaomaoMom

Chinese love to use the stem of stem lettuce instead of leaves to make various dishes. I made this stir fry for dinner, MaomaoDad loved it.

金钩莴笋final Stem Lettuce stir fry 金钩莴笋
Meal type: Vegetable
Prepare time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Level: Low
Serves: 3 servings

1) 2 stem lettuce 500g;
2) 1.5 tbsp dried and skinless shrimps;
3) 1.5 tbsp home made chili oil, 2 tbsp freshly chopped green onion;
4) 1 tsp dark vinegar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp ground white peper, 1/6 tsp chicken broth mix;


1: In the morning before going to work, soak dry shrimps in cold water. Prior to use, drain the shrimps. Peel off the skin of the stem lettuce, rinse and then cut into matchstick-sized strips (Picture 1).

2: Heat 1.5 tbsp home made chili oil in a non-stick sauté pan over high heat. Sauté chopped green onion and soaked shrimps for 1-2 minutes (Picture 3).

 Stem Lettuce stir fry 金钩莴笋

3: Add stem lettuce strips, stir and cook for 30 seconds (Picture 3). Add all ingredients of Ingredient 4) (Picture 4) stir and cook for additional 1 minute until the stem lettuce strips just cooked. Transfer to a serving plate and serve immediately over some steamed rice.

金钩莴笋final Stem Lettuce stir fry 金钩莴笋

pf button big Stem Lettuce stir fry 金钩莴笋

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450 Responses to Stem Lettuce stir fry 金钩莴笋

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  3. Debate waged throughout the colonies whether to treat Loyalists as enemy troopers or treasonous residents.

  4. Thanks alot to Carey for being our Profile Artist of the Month!

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