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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin! WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance. ageLOC Meta, powered by anthocyanins-natural health beneficial compounds found in the deepest purple berries and black rice. It helps support things like metabolic health and core metabolism, helps maintain healthy blood glucose, for better gut health… -
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肉燕的来历 毛毛爸补充 扁肉燕(简称肉燕)同鱼丸一样都是名声在外的福州名菜,但对于福州人来说,它象征意头超出了美食的范畴。福州风俗中有一道名菜“太平燕”,是以扁肉燕与鸭蛋共煮,因福州话里鸭蛋与 “压浪”同音,寓意“压乱”“太平”。这道菜是过年,婚筵,和招待远客贵客必有的喜庆菜式。福州人说“无燕不成宴,无燕不成年”。 扁肉燕的来历相传在明朝嘉靖年间,福建浦城县有位告老还乡的御史大人,家居山区,吃多了山珍便觉口淡。于是家厨取猪腿的瘦肉,用木棒打成肉泥,掺上蕃薯粉,擀成纸片般薄,三寸见方的小块,包上肉馅,做成扁食,煮熟配高汤吃。因其形如飞燕而称“扁肉燕”。 而我个人认为口口相传是当不得真的,那扁肉燕的来历多半出自扁肉(福州馄饨)。福州老一辈人称扁肉为“建郡扁肉”,算来历史应当远远早于明朝。 与饺子千年不改的本色相反,馄饨在全国各地的叫法各异,闽南语叫扁食(是不是有古风?),福州叫扁肉。 福州扁肉的皮是很薄的,大大张的半透明,象金鱼的尾巴。吃的时候都不用咬,可以吸进肚子里去。扁肉的汤用猪骨头熬成,加上虾油(鱼露)。更特别的是扁肉的肉馅制作,不是像其他的馄饨用刀剁成,而是将猪腿肉除去除筋膜,放在木墩上用特制的木锤敲打,成细腻的肉泥。 那么大家看到这里,一定知道扁肉燕名称的来历了。店家将猪瘦肉用木棰敲打成茸,再加入番薯(山芋)粉,做成薄如纸的皮子,即为燕皮。燕皮用剪刀对半剪成方形,比馄饨皮略小,稍浸一下水,包成后露出的短角好像燕子的尾翼。燕皮成品是干燥的,放在干燥凉爽地方能长久储存。 在福州僻街小巷,听到有节奏的“嗒、嗒”之声,循声而去,就是燕皮店。最有名的是同利肉燕老铺,创始于一八七六年,至今已传承五代。 “吃了太平燕,家家得太平”,祝大家牛年好运! You might also like:【酥皮鲜肉月饼】【Baked Spring Rolls with Pork and Shrimp】【虾肉春卷】Firm bean curd in savory garlic sauce 凉拌豆干凉拌豆干 Firm bean curd in savory gar…清炒芦笋Stir fried asparagus清炒芦笋Stir fried asparagus