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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin! WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance. ageLOC Meta, powered by anthocyanins-natural health beneficial compounds found in the deepest purple berries and black rice. It helps support things like metabolic health and core metabolism, helps maintain healthy blood glucose, for better gut health… -
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Tag Archives: 鸡鸭蛋
盐水鸭 by 毛毛妈 时间过得真是快,转眼间来到加拿大已经20年了,虽说文化工作上能融入加拿大,但这中国胃还是改变不了的。闲话少说,又快过年了,今天跟网友们分享我的盐水鸭的做法。我做盐水鸭是用上好的花椒粉加海盐腌24小时,这样入味又不会太咸,非常香,很受朋友们的欢迎。 南京盐水鸭(毛毛爸补充) 南京人爱吃鸭子是出了名的,南京板鸭作为江苏著名特产,与镇江香醋、苏州刺绣、宜兴陶器一同驰名中外。明朝民间流传“古书院、琉璃塔、玄色缎子、咸板鸭”的民谣,就已将板鸭和南京国子监、大报恩寺等名胜相提并论。 板鸭是用盐卤腌制风干而成,压成扁扁的像一块板,故名板鸭。过年时卤菜店里橱窗挂的都是板鸭、香肚和鸭肫,因为这些腌制的特产能存放较长时间,是很合宜的年礼。大学同学头一回春节,大都买了板鸭回家,结果煮法不对,反被家人嘲笑南京的著名的菜怎么这么难吃。 其实对南京的平头百姓来说,盐水鸭才是他们不可或缺的家常美食。家里临时来客,或者开荤打牙祭,就到街头巷尾的摊子上斩一只盐水鸭,配上二两洋河或双沟大曲。肉厚的部位下饭,骨头多的下酒,真是快活似神仙。 用料: 1:鸭子一只2500克,洗净去掉多余的肥油。 2:海盐3大匙,花椒粉1大匙。 3:葱一条,姜片5片,八角一粒,丁香2粒,盐1大匙。 做法: 先将海盐和花椒粉拌匀(图A),把花椒盐均匀里外涂抹鸭子(图B),密封冰箱里腌24小时。将鸭子里外用水冲洗干净(图C)备用。 大锅放入大半锅水加入所有3料(图D),置炉上开大火,水滚放入腌好的鸭子(图E),水要没过鸭子,等水将要滚,调小火(电炉2)盖盖焖煮30分钟,一定要保持水微沸。离火等水温自然降到室温,拿出煮好的鸭子,放入干净盒里(图F)密封,冰箱里冰4小时后斩块食用。 You might also like:【紫薯广式月饼】【Dim Sum & Desserts 中式点心】 is released!毛毛妈厨房精选【中式点心】上架了葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots saladAirGo之香烤山核桃仁Roasted PecanAirGo之香烤山核桃仁Roasted Pecan