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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin! WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance. ageLOC Meta, powered by anthocyanins-natural health beneficial compounds found in the deepest purple berries and black rice. It helps support things like metabolic health and core metabolism, helps maintain healthy blood glucose, for better gut health… -
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- Chinese sausage and Tofu Stir Fry
- Fresh corn kernels and glutinous rice flour pancake
- King oyster mushroom Stir Fry
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Tag Archives: Oats
二、燕麦(Oats)与燕麦粥 燕麦(Oats)是我们家厨房常备的东西,有时来不及做杂粮粥,做锅燕麦粥很快就能上桌。燕麦的好处还真不少。 1. 燕麦可以有效地降低人体中的胆固醇,经常食用,即可对中老年人的主要威胁——心脑血管病起到一定的预防作用; 2. 经常食用燕麦对糖尿病患者也有非常好的降糖、减肥的功效; 3. 燕麦粥有通大便的作用,很多老年人大便干,容易导致脑血管意外,燕麦能解便秘这忧; 4. 它还可以改善血液循环,缓解生活工作带来的压力;含有的钙、磷、铁、锌等矿物质有预防骨质疏松、促进伤口愈合、防止贫血的功效,是补钙佳品; 5. 燕麦中含有极其丰富的亚油酸,对脂肪肝、糖尿病、浮肿、便秘等也有辅助疗效,对老年人增强体力,延年益寿也是大有裨益的。 一般人群均可食用,适宜产妇、婴幼儿、老年人以及空勤、海勤人员食用;适宜慢性病人、脂肪肝、糖尿病、浮肿、习惯性便秘者食用;适宜体虚自汗、多汗、易汗、盗汗者食用;适宜高血压病、高脂血症、动脉硬化者食用。 有时我出差不在家,毛毛爸下班已很晚,没时间做杂粮粥。只能用燕麦粥充数,从烧水到粥成,15分钟搞掂。儿子一小碗,毛毛爸一大缸。家里有Sun Maid葡萄干,空口吃嫌它太干,放几粒到粥里葡萄干吸足水分,一粒粒饱满起来,燕麦粥甜甜的好滋味。 儿子大了,毛毛爸开车和他一同出去时经常讨论‘国际大事’。前几天从70亿人口谈到将来地球的食物短缺,讲到用饲料喂牲畜是效率极低的事情,而越来越多的人由谷类转食肉类,食物短缺会愈加严重。毛毛爸这儿是‘坐而论道’,他已是起而行之,告诉毛毛爸他要少吃肉,一是他的日常protein intake已够了,二是为了减少environmental impact。今晚做的煎里脊,他只要了一小块。现在的年轻人,呵呵,有点意思。 我一般喜欢买这个牌子的燕麦。 You might also like:【紫薯广式月饼】【Honeycomb Bread】【蜂蜜小面包】酒酿芋头丸子Fermented sweet rice and taro balls酒酿芋头丸子Fermented sweet rice and tar…葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad葱油金针菇Enoki and carrots salad