InstantPot酒酿JiuNiang-Sweet Fermented Rice

【JiuNiang-Sweet Fermented Rice】
by MaomaoMom

All newer models of InstantPot , such as 7-1, 9-1 and 10-1 have Yogurt function. When use Yogurt+Less (low) function, it is very convenient to make Chinese favored sweet fermented rice!

%E9%85%92%E9%85%BFfinal InstantPot酒酿JiuNiang Sweet Fermented Rice
Meal type: dessert
Prepare time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 24-30 hours
Level: low
Serves: 6 servings

1. 2 cups stick rice, 2 cups cold water;
2. ½ Shanghai yeast ball or ½ package Anqi yeast powder, 1.25 cups boiled water cooled to room temperature, 1 tbsp sugar.


1: It is recommended to thoroughly wash container, cups and spoon needed and then rinse with just boiled water.
2: Rinse rice (Picture 1) with water and darin. Plugin your InstantPot, add rice to the inner pot and then add 2 cups water (Picture 2), close the lid, valve in close position, select “Rice” function and start (Picture 3).
3: When program ends, wait for about 4 minutes, release the pressure and open the lid (Picture 4) and take out the inner pot, stir to mix the rice and place in ¼ cold water filled sink to cool the rice (Picture 5) for about 10 minutes until lukewarm.

InstantPot酒酿11 InstantPot酒酿JiuNiang Sweet Fermented Rice

4: If you use yeast ball, crush it and dissolve it in 1.25 cups lukewarm boiled water, then pour to rice. Otherwise, add the yeast powder (Picture 6) to the rice (Picture 7), then add 1.25 cups lukewarm boiled water and sugar, mix well. Use a clean spoon and make a hole in the center and smooth out the rice (Picture 8).
5: Put the inner pot back to the InstantPot, close the lid and press/select “Yogurt” and Less (Low) function with default 24 hours, you can adjust to increase time to 30 hours for a better result, start the program.
6: When it is done, take out the fermented rice and store in clean and sealed container, chill for 24 hours before serving.

%E9%85%92%E9%85%BFfinal InstantPot酒酿JiuNiang Sweet Fermented Rice

pf button big InstantPot酒酿JiuNiang Sweet Fermented Rice

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67 Responses to InstantPot酒酿JiuNiang-Sweet Fermented Rice

  1. Ewtewz says:

    毛毛媽,我做出來的酒釀發酸,請問是什麼原因?我用8 Qt Instant pot,試過4杯糯米,也試過2杯糯米,都有發酸的問題。謝謝

  2. Faddy says:


  3. 爱米 says:

    非常谢谢毛毛妈! 每次都很成功!请问为什么要等放在冰箱一到两天后才能吃? 谢谢!

  4. viv says:

    我做酒酿就成功了三次 其他的一样的方法都成功不了。我是装瓶子里然后放电压力锅里水浴加热 yogurt less. 出酒很慢,然后出了酒一尝酒味大酸味重了,放室温下过了几天酸味淡了,酒味超重没甜味了。成功的那三次是第一晚用热水袋唔得然后白天放车里捂着,第二天晚上才移到压力锅。就好了。

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