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保健护肤佳品(skincare and health products):
My favorite serum, to deliver visibly firmer, more contoured, lifted, and defined skin! WellSpa IO/RenuSpa IO- is an innovative beauty and wellness device. It provides relaxing, revitalizing, and restorative benefits by helping depuff the skin through stimulation as well as relaxing the skin and providing a comfortable massage. This device also helps minimize the appearance of cellulite, and visibly firms and tightens skin for a more youthful appearance. ageLOC Meta, powered by anthocyanins-natural health beneficial compounds found in the deepest purple berries and black rice. It helps support things like metabolic health and core metabolism, helps maintain healthy blood glucose, for better gut health… -
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- Egg Skirt Dumplings
- 【AirGo- Sweet and sour salmon fish balls】
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- Chinese sausage and Tofu Stir Fry
- Fresh corn kernels and glutinous rice flour pancake
- King oyster mushroom Stir Fry
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Tag Archives: Waterloo
我们家的家务事 毛毛爸, 2011 看家坛里讲起家务事挺热闹的,我也来凑几句。家务事琐碎而又是难以避免的,一周积攒下来,到了周六是最忙的。我和LP做事的方式完全不同:我喜欢慢慢来,她是风风火火。许多年磨合下来,我们现在极少为家务事拌嘴,拌嘴也是因为对方抢着将自己应做的活儿给干了,比如她周末购物回来总是抢着拎最重的袋子,我就要提醒提醒她。 我们家里的原则是:谁擅长或喜欢的事谁就去做,不计较哪个做多了做少了;两人都不愿做的事花钱请人来做,比如收拾院子、割草都是包出去。 N年前儿子年纪还小的时候我有椎间盘突出,家务都是LP做的多,甚至爬上房檐清理gutter、冬天铲雪,也从没听她抱怨过一句。现在由我负责的家务事有: 洗衣服,烘干叠好; 送儿子学琴,打球; 清洁厨房和浴室的地板; 周末陪LP去买水果蔬菜等; LP做饭、我洗碗。没孩子之前是手洗,后来工作量太大,改用洗碗机。但是我争取到了把碗碟放入洗碗机的活,几个锅放不下洗碗机要手洗,加上清洁炉头台面,总共20多分钟的事。我喜欢在晚饭后看看电视报纸,放松一下,不愿意马上干活。一开始LP看到水池里堆积如山的碗碟,就忍不住要动手收拾,而我总是说:放着、我来。两人因此拌过不少嘴。后来她渐渐习惯了我的做事方式,我也一定将厨房收拾的干净。 三年前Waterloo的雷师母来渥太华,要见我们。那天我们送雷师母回她女儿家,路上她回忆:雷牧师生前总是抢着刷浴室的马桶,家里人都认为他喜欢做这个。后来女儿们长大了问他,他说哪里是喜欢,是因为你们的妈妈痛恨刷马桶,所以我就抢着做。我听了深有触动,又揽下了刷马桶的活儿。但如果我事情多,LP就不声不响地干了。 真爱是要有牺牲的,为对方的好处,愿意牺牲个人时间与爱好,是爱的体现。LP平时工作忙,周末的两个下午都花在厨房里,我们家三口人,两个冰箱都满满的,同样是她爱的体现。言传不如身教,夏天里儿子开始学做菜,现在蔬菜炒的比我强。希望他将来比我handy得多。 You might also like:高升牛肉Braised beef in vinegar soy sauce高升牛肉Braised beef in vinegar soy sauce绿茶蛋卷Matcha biscuit roll绿茶蛋卷Matcha biscuit roll菊花茶Chrysanthemum tea菊花茶Chrysanthemum tea葱肉烧饼Scallion meat flatbread-Shaobing葱肉烧饼Scallion meat flatbread-Shaobing