Steamed pork ribs with crushed rice

Steamed pork ribs with crushed rice

By Maomaomom

粉蒸排骨21 Steamed pork ribs with crushed rice

This is one of the most well-known dishes that you can find in many parts of China. This recipes uses InstantPot, an electric pressure cooker , to efficiently cook the ribs and crushed rice. The meat is tender with rich flavours.

Prepare Time: 30 minutes

Cook time: 45 minutes

Stand time: 2 hours

Level: medium

Serves: 6 servings


1. Pork back ribs 750 g;

2. Marinade ingredients: 2g fresh ginger shredded, 1 tablespoon freshly minced garlic, 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon Kikkoman light soy sauce, 1/3 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoons water;

3. 1/2 cup glutinous rice, 1/2 cup white rice, 1/2t pepper cones; 1 anise, 1 small piece Chinese cinnamon;

4. 2 tablespoons water, 1 teaspoon fresh chopped green onion.


1: Clean back ribs and cut into pieces between bones. Put ribs and marinade ingredients into a Ziploc bag, seal and shake well. Put in fridge for 2 hours.

2: In a small non-stick frying pan, add all ingredients 3 over medium heat. Stir and cook until rice slightly golden. Set aside to cool

3: Discard pepper cones, anise and Chinese cinnamon. Put cooked rice in a blender and pulse a few times until it turn into cornmeal size.
粉蒸排骨11 Steamed pork ribs with crushed rice

4. Coat back ribs evenly with crushed rice and place in a shallow bowl. Mix 2 tablespoons water with the leftover marinade sauce and pour onto ribs.

5: Place the steam rack inside the Instant Pot. Fill water to the 2-cup mark. Place the bowl with back ribs on the steam rack. Cover the lid and turn the pressure valve to the Seal position. Press the “Steam” button and set 45 minutes of cook time.

6: When it is done, wait another 5 minutes. Slowly release the pressure then open the lid. Take out the steamed ribs and decorated with 1 teaspoon chopped green onions.

Maomaomom’s Note: 1C=240ml, 1t=5ml and 1T=15 ml.

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235 Responses to Steamed pork ribs with crushed rice

  1. Kirstin says:

    I’m confused it says “fill water to the 2-cup mark” so add 2 cups of water ? And the rice is cooked ? I pan fried it until it was golden brown now I just put it in top of the ribs ? Thanks

  2. Kirstin says:

    Do I have to use a bowl I thought you aren’t supposed to put other things I. There ?

  3. Fred says:

    Very interesting recipe! To be 100% sure: the rice you use in step 2 is dry raw rice, right? And then you are going to pan-fry this dry rice with spices (peppercorns, star anise and cinnamon) until the dry rice becomes slightly golden. By doing so, the rice will be flavored with the spices, correct? Last question: do you use Sichuan peppercorns or regular black (or white) peppercorns? Thanks in advance.

  4. Utterly written written content, Really enjoyed examining.

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