by 毛毛妈
三杯鸡是江西名菜,名字的由来因为鸡就是用米酒、酱油、香油各一小杯来煮的,味道很好。今天的三杯鸡有很多的做法,在这三种调料的基础上还加了其他的东西,如九层塔。我图懒省事直接用 快煲电压力锅压的,也很不错。
1:鸡腿1包(Chicken Drumstick)700克,洗净备用;
3:绍酒2大匙,糖1茶匙,盐1/4茶匙,万字牌生抽酱油2大匙,金兰老抽酱油1大匙, 胡椒粉1/6茶匙,香油1大匙。
4:九层塔(fresh basil)20克,洗净备用。
注:1大匙=15毫升=1 Tablespoon,1茶匙=5毫升=1 Teaspoon,1杯=240毫升。
2、姜蒜辣椒放入 快煲电压力锅内锅里(图1),然后放入洗净沥水鸡块和所有3料,拌均匀(图2),加盖选手动档(Manual),15分钟,启动升序(图8)。
谢谢您分享你的recipe, 我用您的配方做了很多菜,家人都爱吃!您真很棒!我最近还买了你推荐的炒锅,做饭更香了,呵呵,谢谢你!看到你家人在渥太华,也感到很亲切,我们之前一直住在多伦多,后来才搬到美国的。
While exploring a new website, we came across a webpage that immediately caught our eye. We are extremely impressed with what we have seen so far and are eagerly looking forward to your future updates. We are excited to explore your website further and uncover all the amazing features it has to offer.So long.
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While browsing a new website, we came across a webpage that immediately caught our attention. We are extremely impressed with what we have seen so far and are eagerly looking forward to your upcoming updates. We can’t wait to delve deeper into your website and uncover all the amazing things it has to offer.Talk to you soon.
Hi-yaYour post has deeply touched me, igniting a strong desire within me to explore the subject further. I greatly admire your vast knowledge and insightful perspectives, and I genuinely appreciate your distinct point of view. Thank you for generously sharing your thoughts and taking the time to do so!
Your blog post immediately caught my attention! Since stumbling upon your blog, I have been completely absorbed in your other articles. The engaging content you provide has left me wanting more. I have subscribed to your RSS feed and am eagerly looking forward to your future updates!Talk to you soon.
Hi, palWe came across this page from another website and decided to take a look. I’m enjoying what I see, so I’m going to follow you. Excited to keep exploring your website.Until then.
Hi, friendWe stumbled upon this page on a different website and thought we’d check it out. I’m liking what I see, so I’m going to follow you. Looking forward to further exploring your website.Be good.
Is there anyway this recipe can be translated into English?
My Chinese is not good and I’m having a hard time following along
Thank you!
Sorry, earlier recipe doesn’t have English version, please use Google