
【糯米蒸排骨】–English Follows
by 毛毛妈

去年回国,在南京一饭店吃到糯米蒸肉,结果毛毛和他爷爷几乎将整碗的糯米蒸肉包圆。今天自己在家做了这个糯米蒸排骨,用 快煲电压力锅来蒸的,真方便!蒸菜的过程中还不会有蒸汽味道漏出。不像用平常的锅蒸,蒸汽到处飘散。

糯米蒸排骨2 【糯米蒸排骨】用料:
1:肉厚些肋骨750克洗净沥水(Costco 买的Baby Ribs);
注:1大匙=15毫升=1 Tablespoon,1茶匙=5毫升=1 Teaspoon,1杯=240毫升。
3、取出 快煲电压力锅附带的支架,放入内锅里,加水2杯,将盛糯米排骨的盘子放上支架上(图3),加盖选蒸档(Steam),55分钟,启动升序。

糯米蒸排骨1 【糯米蒸排骨】
5513702026 782829eb3b b 【糯米蒸排骨】

pf button big 【糯米蒸排骨】

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499 Responses to 【糯米蒸排骨】

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  2. It may also recommend that you are about to embark on an thrilling romantic journey or that you are deeply in love and blissful together with your partner.

  3. The GIPF sequence is a set of six sleekly designed summary games which could also be played individually however are designed to work together as one entire recreation.

  4. Writer’s Note: What’s the world’s quickest supercomputer used for?


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