前两天录音机里放“常回家看看”的歌,毛毛也跟着哼“常回家看看,回家看看”。我问他:“知道回家看看是什么意思吗?”“go home and look look?” “Well,在这里回家看看means go back home to visit your parents. When you grow up, don’t forget to bring your kids to visit us.” 我特意将kids的音发的重些,我们平时会跟他开玩笑说:你一直不要弟弟妹妹,将来找对象要找个兄弟姐妹多的,再多生几个孩子,热热闹闹。
毛毛近来个头窜的挺快,只比妈妈少半公分。身上的衣服见小,9月份妈妈给他买了好几件adult small size的深色sweaters,穿上很帅气。儿子明年将跨入teenage青春期,虽然他心智发育好像没那么快,看到电视里男女孩dating的场景就换台,我们还是时不时找机会敲打敲打他。常说的有:中学里不能dating;only date the girl you want to marry;sex must be within the boundary of marriage。
是啊孩子,终究有一天你会要走出家门,见识社会,经历风雨。爸爸妈妈希望在今后的几年内将我们所有的人生经验都告诉给你,然后呢,怀着牵挂与不舍,看你越飞越高,越飞越远…… 只是,别忘了“常回家看看”。
That happens a lot less now.
A draw would cause the tournament outcome to depend on Anand’s recreation in opposition to Svidler; if Anand won then Caruana would win, but otherwise Karjakin would win.
A good corporate team building event can be a vital tool in promoting business to further success and Smaaash is the perfect place for each and every business as it injects some fun in the team building events which will ensure that employees are improving their workplace skills and building bonds whilst enjoying themselves.
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