by 毛毛妈
4:白糖2杯(410克)想甜点的用2.5杯,炼乳 1/3杯(78克), 香草香精1.5大匙,玉米油或素油1杯(210克);
5:小苏打(baking soda)1茶匙,水1.5大匙;
7:中筋面粉(all purpose flour)3杯(480克);
注:1大匙=15毫升=1 Tbsp,1茶匙=5毫升=1 Tsp,1杯=240毫升。
3、将煮好的红豆转入 不粘锅里(图6),放入4料里的白糖,炼乳和香草香精中小火炒15分钟至馅没有看见的液体。然后加入4料里的油拌匀(图7),继续炒至馅成团干挺,没什么水气了便可(图8)。待馅冷凉后,然后称量80克的馅,揉成球备用(图9)。我是当天炒好馅就做月饼,将以将做好的豆沙球放入冰箱冷藏30-60分钟,做月饼时比较好操作。
6、包好的月饼表皮轻轻的抹一层干面粉,把月饼坯放入 月饼模模型中,轻轻压下(图14),推出月饼(图15),放入铺了烤盘纸的烤盘里(图16)。依次做完所有的月饼,用刷子轻轻刷去表面的面粉。
7、放入预热至395F/200C的烤箱内,烤6分钟后,拿出刷上蛋液(注意要少少量)(图17),温度调到340F/170摄氏度烤7分钟。然后拿出再刷一次蛋液,再烤5分钟,最后开上火低档(Broil Low)2~5分钟上色即可(图18)。各家的烤箱不同,注意调整温度及时间。月饼冷凉后,一定要放入密闭盒里回油1-2天再吃。
3、月饼模可以在这里买 Mooncake mold。
5、很多食谱说,糖浆要煮到这个程度:用筷子挑起一些糖浆,立即投入冰水中,糖浆可以结成软珠。我觉得这个说法不太科学,因为soft ball的温度是115摄氏度,煮成的糖浆一定是太浓了。所以还是建议用温度来衡量,糖浆冷热物理性质差别很大,光凭感觉不太可靠的说~~
1. 月饼为什么几天后表皮就发硬,不回油?
月饼皮的配方和制作工艺对其是否回油起着重要作用。如果配方把面粉当作100%用的话,油就不可能加入35%,因为25-30%已达到顶点。如果只考虑糖浆、油和枧水三者的配比,面粉用量再根据软硬来调节,这样面皮中的面粉用量则不会稳定。国内很多厂家都不习惯按标准配方的形式来设计配方,这 是不科学的。如果月饼不回油,极有可能是用料配方的问题。应按面粉为100%、糖浆75%、油25%的配方来调制饼皮,如果按这一想法生产月饼,饼皮仍不 回油,那就是转化糖浆质量太差。
转化糖浆的质量。衡量转化糖浆质量的标准是转达化率和浓度。当前,我国的转化糖浆多是厂家自己煮制,不同的师傅煮制的方法各有不同,造成糖浆质量也不同。如按科学方法来煮 制转化糖浆,控制足够的水量和一定煮制的时间,则是十分关键的。高品质的糖浆,月饼烤熟第二天就回软。
2. 月饼烘焙时为什么易发生饼皮馅料分离现象,饼皮剥落现象?
一、 由于馅料中油分太高,或是因馅料炒制方法有误,使馅料泻油,即油未能完全与其他物料充分混合,油脂渗透出馅料。这种情况会引起月饼包馅时,皮与馅不能很好粘结,烤熟后同样是皮与馅分离。如馅料泻油特别严重,月饼烤熟后存入时间越长,饼皮脱离越严重。
二、 饼皮配方中油分太高,搅拌饼皮后,饼皮搅拌过度, 也会引起饼皮泻油。泻油的饼皮同样也会使饼皮与馅料脱离。
3. 如何才能保证广式月饼的颜色达到要求?
广式月饼的颜色,主要由两部分构成,其一是糖浆的颜色。如果煮糖浆时把糖浆的颜色煮黑了,饼皮的颜色就很难达到要求。糖浆的颜色与糖浆的煮制时间,煮制时 火大小及使用的糖浆设备有关。其次,饼皮的颜色与调节饼皮时加入枧水浓度和用量有关,当饼皮的酸碱度偏酸性时,饼皮着色困难;当枧水的用量增加,饼皮碱性 增大,饼皮着色加快,枧水越多,饼皮颜色越深,减少枧水的用量,就可以使饼皮的颜色变浅。第三个方面是减少烘烤时间和相对降低炉温,也可减轻饼皮的颜色, 但一定要保证月饼完全烤熟,否则月饼易发霉。
4. 如何解决广式月饼的饼皮花纹及文字变形问题?
广式月饼皮的字变形,主要是由于糖浆浓度太高或者是饼皮中糖浆加入量太多引起,传统的广式月饼皮都很薄,馅料与皮饼的比例在9:1到8:2之间,如 果月饼的皮太厚,而糖浆浓度很高,这种皮料就容易变形,所以如果加工的月饼是厚皮月饼,那么在煮糖时就应有意识地把糖浆煮稀一些(糖度在80度以下)。另 外,当饼皮的配方中糖浆用量与油脂用量不协调,糖浆用量过多,油脂太少的皮料,也容易引起变形。
25 date night ideas to perk up your special connection this autumn
Things can occasionally end up feeling a bit stale in the romance department, Particularly collision together for years. But it is easier than it could seem to start tending to yourneglected love lives.
Rule unknown number one: Be original. Challenge your fixed conceptions of what you might enjoy, And even what you might be capable of. A dinner for two at a local dining is all very well, But a dinner for two in total darkness might give you more to express.
Here are our suggestions for 25date nights that should reinvigorate any relationship. Whether this will probably be your 50th date or your first, Throw warn to the wind, Leave out an extra biscuit for the sitter, and enjoy.
1. Relive initial date
Return to the pub or dining where it all began, Go for exact same walk or cycle ride, Go for a film and a curry like everyone else used to. an excellent way of triggering memories of the good times before the mundanities of real life kicked in. If the old place has gone bust/been closed by the medical inspectors, Re create it as closely as they can, And give thanks that the standard of British cuisine and cinema seating has improved beyond all recognition since then.
2. use a dance class
the vast majority of appropriate if one or both of you hate dancing. Adventurous dating is about embracing your clumsiness and rekindling intimacy, And [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/qpidnetwork/33276660992/]qpid network[/url] taking syncopated steps ticks both worth mentioning boxes. do some searching online for local instructors, And buy a dance with a bit of oomph the tango, state that, together with lambada
3. See some people art
in order to be a conversation starter even if you dislike the artist in question. Why not invest in the national Art Pass, supplies free entry to over 240 museums, Galleries and historic houses across Britain and half price at major exhibitions?
4. Have a making lesson
A cooking lesson has all the attributes of a good evening: the particular to learn something new together, and then (perhaps) yummy food and wine. in london try The Jamie Oliver Cooking Schoolor The Avenue Cookery School. Further afield there’s dining room table Cookery in Somerset and, to Devon, Ashburton cooking School.
5. Enjoy a next to each other spa
habitually the go to resuscitation option for whichever spouse is feeling in need of individual rejuvenation, Spa treatments and relaxation oriented pampering can be a superbly intimate experience, With the excess benefit that you will both be feeling unusually attractive afterwards. Ragdale hallway, the posh spa hotel in Leicestershire, Offers Romantic Retreat weekends, As do many other marginally less upscale venues.
6. get those heart pumping
studies have shown that couples who sweat together, Stay collectively. no matter what you do so long as it makes your heart race, As it’s the physical arousal (flushed hands, A elevated pulse, a suffocating feeling) as opposed to the novelty or challenge of the activity that drives romantic attraction, apparently with their. Try jogging neighborhood, Cycling down the river bank or a game of tennis. as well as a well earned dinner at the pub.
7. check out some wine
an opportunity to enjoy far better wine than usual, While education something about it. The Wine Society run events on the countryand, working in london, DVine Cellars’ 25 Wednesday night tastings sell out weeks up-front.
8. Brush up on your vocabulary skills
Lost in translation? Nearly 10 per cent of marriages in Britain include a foreign born spouse and research indicates that bilingual couples grow closer by sharing their language and culture. Cactus language courses offer classes throughout the country.
9. Walk to dish
Choose an evening when it is unlikely to be hosing down, Choose a lovely eating house on the far side of town, And walk all the way having worked out the best or scenic route beforehand. you might be rural, Take footpaths to an elegant local. no matter what, En route you’ll rediscover your area, And each other, And have something to discuss over dinner.
10. Make chocolates (at that point eat them)
Giving candies is a tried and trusted way to gain (Or get) The affections of someone you care about. But making the chocolates together ideally with expert exercising is more imaginative, More messy and more spellbinding. Paul A Young offers outstanding classes in central London, But chocolatiers and catering schools all over the nation will be happy to help.
11. Go and determine something funny
merchant find each other funny any more, A comedy night could be just the reply to offer some light hearted escapism and allow you to rediscover your shared sense of humour.
12. Escape of the usb ports all
Escaping the room is something that may have appealed to one or both of you on frequent occasions in family life, But for a date night we suggest you get locked up together in a purpose designed puzzle room with clues which you’ve got to work out together in order to be released. A sure fire bonding practice, Aslong as you DO escape Hereis a blog/map with venues around the world Britain.
13. Take mid-day tea together
a lot more imaginative than dinner, And also available while the children are at school, If evenings have become rather too covered with homework or suitable television. Many swanky hotels now offer enchanting teas, With champagne a gorgeous optional extra.
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