杏仁奶-Almond Milk-Healthy diet

一、杏仁奶-Almond Milk

我一直都对健康饮食这方面的资料感兴趣,不久前看了这本由一个哈佛大学医学院毕业的华裔同胞Jessica Wu写的书–【Feed Your Face: Younger, Smoother Skin and a Beautiful Body in 28 Delicious Days】

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我们家过去一直喝脱脂牛奶,而且说服了国内的亲人都买脱脂牛奶,国内超市脱脂奶进货少,要每天早上去,晚了就没了。有一段时间听朋友的劝,怕儿子吃进太多的荷尔蒙,转成了有机牛奶。但是Costco有机牛奶的有效期短,而且袋子老是破。前段时间看了Jassica Wu 医生的书,建议喝Almond Milk。在网上查了Almond Milk的营养:热量少,carbohydrates少,不含胆固醇,当然也没有激素,含钙与维D、维E高。另外它不易变质,好储存。Costco有6盒一箱的卖,打开后放入冰箱,少占地方。味道是nutty flavor ,略微咸味,可能是为了储存。儿子一开始要放蜂蜜,一个月以后就习惯了。杏仁奶的缺点是:小贵,6升9块钱;还有就是颜色是灰色的,做点心不好看。

我们家买的Almond Milk是这个牌子,没想到Amazon也可以买到。
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13 Responses to 杏仁奶-Almond Milk-Healthy diet

  1. Susan says:

    豆豆也读了这本书, 也要买Almond milk,可惜这里没有, 就帮她买了中国的”露露”杏仁露,不知道是否一样? 而且价格不菲, 很小的一罐, 要AUD2.2. 今年回南京,妈妈家里一箱都没有人喝, 我天天装两罐在身上, 当饮料喝…

  2. Ellen says:

    How about soy milk? Can almond milk also better than Soy milk? From Canadian healthy food guide line, soy milk is a good alternative to cow’s milk.

    • 毛毛妈 says:

      1) almond milk is more advantageous for dieters. Unsweetened almond milk contains 40 calories per cup whereas soy milk has almost double the amount.
      2) Soy milk, on the other hand, holds more proteins.
      3) almond milk is that it is much higher in vitamin E and manganese, making it a more powerful drink for improvement of skin quality and protection against cancer.
      4) soy milk has been suspected for reducing male fertility and sperm count. Soy sterol may interfere with progesterone production during pregnancy, and thus should be avoided if you are an expectant mother.
      5) You should not drink almond milk if you have peach or tree nut allergy.

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