

毛毛爸, 2011


几年前看房子的时候,喜欢绿树环绕的后院,但不得不接管院子里的旧泳池。一开始都是请泳池公司的来做,后来慢慢自己学着打理。我的经验是:去上泳池公司开的pool class训练班,另外给大家推荐一本书“What Color Is Your Swimming Pool”

这次先从关泳池写起,明年春再讲怎样开泳池和日常打理。最初的英文的check list是为自己准备的,发帖时翻成了中文,但英文的还是附上。关泳池就是将水位降到出水口以下,然后排出水管里剩余的水,盖上塑料布。如果你从前没有关泳池的经验的话,最好是看专业人员从头至尾做一次,因为每家的泳池都不一样。


• 去到Costco或者泳池专门店去买winterize kit,里面有防冻液、杀藻液等等。

• 能吸水的Shop-Vac

• 管钳

• 水袋

• 功率为1/2或1/3马力的小水泵

You will need:

• a winterizing kit from Costco or at pool stores. The kit contains 4L antifreeze, algaecide, non-chlorine oxidizer, etc.

• Shop-Vac

• pipe wrench

• water bags

• submersible pump (optional for closing)


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图二、Shop-Vac吸尘器,skimmer basket ,水下清污的吸头vacuum head ,刷池壁的刷子

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图三、左边是沙过滤器(sand filter),中间黑色的是主水泵(water pump),右边是烧煤气的加热器(gas heater)。水泵是我自己买来安装的,加热器从来不用,水管重新接,不经过加热器。

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• 周二傍晚时倒入比平时Shock多一倍的氯粉(氯浓度达到20到25ppm),周三早晨用硬刷子刷洗池壁四周,然后让主水泵和过滤器连续工作三天,直至水质清澈。Double shock the pool (chorine level to 20 to 25 ppm) on Tuesday after sunset. Brush pool walls and bottom thoroughly. Keep the filter running for 3 days until the chlorine level returns to 1 to 3 ppm. Make sure the pool water is clear.

• 水的酸碱度要比平时略高,在7.6和7.8之间。Make sure the PH level is slightly higher than summer time, at 7.6 to 7.8.

• 保持水面清洁,将落叶用网捞起来。Skim leaves.

• 周六早晨将将清污的长吸管连到skimmer basket 上,注意有的skimmer basket里有两个圆孔,一个通到主水泵,另一个通到 池底部的main drain。要接的是通到主水泵的那个圆孔。关掉主水泵电源,将过滤器定在“Waste排污”,开通主水泵电源,将泳池底部的沉淀物全部吸出清除,将长吸管留在池底(图四)。On Saturday, vacuum pool floor with filter set to “Waste”. When the vacuuming is done, leave the hose in place and the vacuum head under water. 注意:每次转动过滤器的把手时,要先关掉主水泵电源,否则水压会损坏过滤器的密封圈,修起来很麻烦。


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• 关掉主水泵电源,将过滤器定在“Backwash回冲水”,开通主水泵电源20分钟,排出过滤器中截留的污物。关掉主水泵电源,将过滤器定在“Rinse洗净”,开通主水泵电源,清洗过滤器4分钟。Dial filter head to “Backwash”, run for 20 min, then set to “Rinse” for 4 min. You have to turn off the pump before change the filter setting.

• 过滤器定在“排污”,将池水放出。等到池水放到一定程度,水面低于skimmer basket时,为防止空气进入长吸管后损失负压,往skimmer basket 里缓慢注水,保持水密性(图五)。我们家的出水口与邻居家地界相邻,不能将水都排往此处,我另外用一台功率为1/3马力的小水泵排上一晚上的水到自家的院子就好了(图六)。Dial filter head to “Waste” to discharge water out of the pool. When the pool water level drops, you’ll need to fill the skimmer basket with slowly running water hose to make the connection watertight. I use a smaller sump pump (1/3 HP) to run overnight instead.

图五、往skimmer basket 里注水

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• 等到水位降到出水口以下5公分时,关掉主水泵电源,断开墙上的电闸门。打开水泵盖子,取出密封圈和小篮子,用9/16号的扳手取下两处螺栓,将水放尽。When the water level is 2-in below the wall returns, turn off the pump. Shut off the circuit breaker for pump. Open the pump cover, remove the strain basket and clean the housing. Use a size 9/16 wrench to remove 2 plugs and drain pump (one on the side and one at the end).

• 过滤器定在“Winter过冬”,拧下压力表、小玻璃盖,再拧开底部的塞子,将水放尽。Dial filter head to “Winter”. Remove the pressuremeter and a glass cylinder cover. Remove a plug at the bottom of the filter to drain.

• 周日早晨按照winterize kit的步骤将第一种药液沿着池沿倒入,之后每两个小时倒入下一种药液。Follow the instructions of the winterize kit. Distribute the first chemical by walking along pool. Wait for 2 hrs before adding another kind.

• 将skimmer的盖子打开,用 Shop-Vac的吸管对准skimmer basket里通向水泵的那个圆孔,连续吸出三四桶水,直至吸不出为止。Open the skimmer cover. Set Shop-Vac to “Vacuum” on the opening connected to the pump. This will fill 3 to 4 buckets of water.

• 将 Shop-Vac 的设置由‘吸’改为‘吹’,等3分钟后水汽不再从另一头的水泵口喷出即可。Set Shop-Vac to “Blow” for 3 min. The water mist is discharged from the pump opening.

• 将防冻液倒入skimmer的圆孔,用布将溅出的防冻液擦掉。用管钳稍稍拧紧圆孔的盖子。Add 4L antifreeze into skimmer. Wipe the clean the skimmer housing with a rag. Screw on a plug and tighten with a pipe wrench. Don’t over tighten it.

• Note that I didn’t mention the other opening to the main drain. This is bacause mine is broken and it is plugged permanently. You are suppose to blow air into that opening until it bubbles from the deep end of the pool. Then you screw on a plug as quickly as possible to trap enough air inside.

• 将两三个空的塑料容器放进skimmer basket,口子上放一大的塑料袋,盖上盖子。Put two 1L containers into skimmer opening and one 4L container on top horizontally. Put the cover back on and line with a large plastic bag.

图七、在skimmer basket 里放入空塑料桶,吸收水结冰时的膨胀力

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• 下一步是将墙上出水口里的水排出来,用手拧上其中一个出水口的盖子,再用Shop-Vac 往另一个出水口吹气,等3分钟后水汽不再从另一头的过滤器喷出即可。然后反过来,重复同样步骤。Finger tight one wall return plug. Set Shop-Vac to “Blow” on the other return for 3 min. The water mist is discharged from the filter head. Reverse procedure.

• 用管钳稍稍拧紧两个出水口的盖子。Tighten two wall return plugs. Don’t over tighten it.

• 在盖上塑料布之前,戴着手套撒几把氯粉在水面上。Just before putting the cover on, sprinkle some granular chorine on water surface.

• 叫个帮手将塑料布一头用石头压好,然后边走边将塑料布展开,盖在泳池上。注意塑料布是有正反面的。Put pool cover on with the color (Green) side up. Start at the far end (put rocks on the corners to keep in place) and walk towards the diving board.

• 将水袋逐个灌上9分满的水,可能的话,将塑料布的四周扎紧,免得被风吹起来。Fill all water bags. Tie pool cover to the metal fence so it won’t be blown open.

• 将Shop-Vac吸尘器、skimmer basket 、清污吸头vacuum head ,刷子、长吸管、化学药品等都放好,小件的放入室内。Coil up vacuum hose and put away chemicals. Store the Shop-Vac, O-ring and all plugs indoors.


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