之前买了包野生冰冻带鱼, 今天做了红烧带鱼, 非常不错, 结果我们两个人, 几乎全吃完了, 只剩下三四块. 领导说味道调的好.
2:葱1条,姜3-5克, 蒜瓣3粒,
3:牛油果油 或其他素油1.5大匙;
4: 绍酒1大匙,水2/3杯, 头抽酱油1大匙,老抽酱油1大匙, 葡萄醋1大匙;
5: 红糖1大匙,白胡椒1/4茶匙, 鸡粉1/6茶匙;
6: 香油1茶匙.
具体做法看视频(喜欢的话请在YouTube 观看, 收藏, 点赞! 谢谢!):
国内的亲看这个视频: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1SV411r7vh/
1、葱去根洗净切片, 姜切片, 蒜拍碎待用(图1). 带鱼去洗净,用纸巾擦干,然后切4厘米长段,面上再切花刀备用(图2)。
2、不粘锅,置炉上开大中火,倒入1.5大匙油, 热后放入鱼块(图3),煎黄一面. 翻转一面再煎黄. 放入葱姜蒜(图4), 煎炒30秒, 然后放入所有4-5料, 盖盖煮2分钟(图5)。
3、打开盖子, 轻轻搅拌, 烧至汁浓(图6). 下1茶匙香油, 拌匀出锅.
OTC trading agreements to ensure that they account for central clearing (or establishing new OTC trading agreements, as necessary); and(6) training staff to ensure they are familiar with these procedures, repository reporting requirements and the margining processes of CCPs.
Their dialog unveils Hyeong-seok’s past, the place he was bullied in his previous faculty, making his mom query his present state.
One who can stay focused on the task at hand, and not be overly concerned with the outcome.
These vintage, contemporary nation fashion kitchens and dining room take naturally to the timeless enchantment of floral and fruit motifs.