

宫保鸡丁2 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类
烤鸡腿3 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类
葱丝炒鸡蛋2 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类
香辣凉拌鸡2 258x258 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类
蒜蓉豆豉蒸鸡球3 258x258 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类
pf button big 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类

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25 Responses to 鸡鸭蛋菜肴分类

  1. ViVi says:


  2. Tiantian says:

    Love all your recipe!!! My dad was sick, and it came upon me to prepare all the meals, and I would say this, I would not have survived without your blog. So glad you opened this new one. When I was in the US, I could use the Wenxuecity website, but had difficulties when I returned to China. Now, I come to your website almost daily! Thank you!

    I love all your recipe so much. I bought a small oven, but as expected, the temperature is now what’s shown. I tried to make 发糕 once and 戚风蛋糕, but neither rose up (turned out to be solid and flat), does it mean the temperature is too high or too low? I only want to find out what the 340F/170oC means on my oven, since most of your recipe use this temperature. Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Thank you very much for everything again!


    • 毛毛妈 says:

      Thanks a lot.

      Blessing you and your dad.

      • Tiantian says:

        1. 发糕没有膨起来是因为温度太高还是太低?
        2. 有什么方法可以测到底340F在我的oven里应是多少度呢?(本来想买个oven里用的温度计,但听说都不太准,毛毛妈,你的oven很先进吧,所以温度可以很准确?)

      • 毛毛妈 says:


  3. Aud says:


    Will you have any thanksgiving recipes, ex. turkey, ham, and/or veggies?

  4. kinkin says:



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