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2006年我登录北美最大的华人网文学城的【私房小菜】论坛,先是潜水灌水,后来自己试着做博客,起名就叫【毛毛妈厨房】 ,受到网友们的热切青睐,我的文学城博客网页的点击已超过1千8百万。由于国内的亲人朋友看不到文学城的网页,所以就新开了这个毛毛妈厨房(http://MaomaoMom.com)网站。


希望通过毛毛妈厨房这个网络渠道,让来访的朋友们能畅所欲言,交流厨艺。请不要将毛毛妈厨房的图片及菜谱粘贴到其他网站,也不允许将本网站的图片及菜谱做成微信帖子或其他形式发表! 谢谢合作。



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  1. Were there times I tried to nudge him in the right direction? Sure. But the few times I tried without success cemented my belief that our paltry sex life was something I just had to accept.

  2. “There is not enough clitoral stimulation. I can only come by touching myself. My favorite is sideways or doggy-style (more lying down than on my knees, though). To avoid it, I just get in another position with my butt out.”

  3. It feels awkward and I end up concentrating on where my legs/arms are vs how it actually feels. When the suggestion to do this position comes up, I say, ‘no, let’s do this much better thing!’ Voila. On my back.”

  4. Emboldened by this realization, I decided to share my truth once the dust had settled. In a difficult conversation, I admitted how much I hated our sex life.


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