我们家都是零食大王, 最近喜欢的一个牌子的花生断档, 就买了一包有机花生自己做。用AirGo爱锅做非常方便, 不用油, 非常酥脆好吃. 想购买点AirGo爱锅,用 maomao25 优惠券有for $25 折扣。
1: 花生仁一包(908克);
2: 盐1.5茶匙;
3: 花椒粉3/4茶匙;
5: 鸡粉1/2茶匙.
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。
1、将花生仁放一盆里(图1),加烧开的水淹没,静置10秒(图2),沥水控干。加盐, 花椒粉, 五香粉, 及鸡粉(图3),拌匀(图4)。
2、【AirGo】插上电源,用“Function”选“Air Fryer”然后选择350F及40分钟,点“Start”预热。预热结束放入花生(图5), 盖上盖(图6)让程序继续。
3、每隔10分钟打开盖子, 搅拌几下花生.
4、等程序完成,打开盖子, 让花生自然冷至室温, 即可食用, 香酥好吃, 停不下口。其余的花生装密闭瓶子里, 冰箱储存.
What a refreshing take on this subject. I completely agree with The points!
I appreciate the clarity and thoughtfulness you bring to this topic.
The take on hard to understand topics is like a smooth ride in a luxury car—comfortable, yet exhilarating.
The creativity and intelligence shine through, blinding almost, but I’ll keep my sunglasses handy.