AirGo蒜蓉芥兰Chinese kale in garlic oyster sauce


买到挺不错的芥兰苗, 用爱锅AirGo做了蒜蓉芥兰,芥兰嫩嫩很好吃. 且轻松便捷无油烟。想购买点AirGo爱锅maomao25 优惠券有for $25 折扣。

 AirGo蒜蓉芥兰Chinese kale in garlic oyster sauce

3:牛油果油 1.5大匙;
4:黑胡椒1/6茶匙,盐1/3茶匙, 鸡粉 1/6茶匙, 蚝油1大匙;
5: 香油1茶匙.

注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。

1、芥兰洗净沥水切大段. 蒜瓣去皮切细茉。
2、【AirGo】插上电源,用“Function”选“Air Fryer”然后选择415F及8分钟,点“Start”预热。放入1.5大匙油及蒜蓉, 盖上盖让程序继续。

蒜蓉芥兰1 AirGo蒜蓉芥兰Chinese kale in garlic oyster sauce

3、等程序进行了1-2分钟炸香蒜蓉打开盖子(图1)搅拌几下,放入芥兰秒 (图2), 盖上盖继续。
4、程序进行到还有3分钟后或提醒翻转时,打开盖子,放入所有4料 (图3)搅拌几下,盖上盖继续, 让程序完成。
5、等程序完成,打开盖子(图4), 放1茶匙香油, 搅拌几下就可以盛出来上桌。

pf button big AirGo蒜蓉芥兰Chinese kale in garlic oyster sauce

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708 Responses to AirGo蒜蓉芥兰Chinese kale in garlic oyster sauce

  1. The 1986 Chevrolet Nova was built at New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.

  2. During the recession, one currency might go into a downtrend, while the other stays an uptrend.

  3. In Europe, Adolf Hitler ordered his generals in Could 1938 to plan an autumn war in opposition to Czechoslovakia on the pretext of freeing the German-speaking peoples of the Sudetenland from Czech domination.

  4. Propane and butane (the same gasoline used for lighter fluid) are collected during manufacturing so as to maintain these liquids from condensing and causing processing difficulties.


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