用爱锅AirGo做了莴笋鸡丁, 鸡肉嫩滑莴笋脆脆, 好滋味, 且轻松便捷无油烟。想购买点AirGo爱锅,用 maomao25 优惠券有for $25 折扣。
1: 有机鸡胸肉2块520克, 盐1/2 茶匙, 生粉1茶匙;
2: 莴笋一条(380克);
3: 牛油果油 1.5大匙, 葱花1大匙, 蒜蓉2茶匙, 李锦记豆豉辣椒酱1大匙;
4: 头抽酱油1.5大匙,鸡粉1/4茶匙,盐1/4茶匙;
5: 香油 1茶匙.
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。
1、鸡胸肉洗净沥水后切1厘米大小丁 (图1). 用手抓捏1分钟放盐1/2茶匙及生粉1茶匙拌匀. 莴笋削去皮水冲洗, 也切小丁(图2),待用.
2、【AirGo】插上电源,用“Function”选“Air Fryer”然后选择420F及7分钟,点“Start”预热。预热后放入1.5大匙油,葱花, 蒜蓉, 及豆豉辣椒酱(图3), 炒几下盖上盖让程序继续。.
3、等程序进行了1分钟,打开盖子, 放入鸡丁及莴笋丁 (图5), 搅拌几下, 盖上盖继续。
4、程序进行到还有2分钟后或提醒翻转时,打开盖子,所有4料搅拌均匀(图5),盖上盖, 让程序完成。
5、等程序完成,打开盖子, 放1茶匙香油, 翻炒均匀, 即可盛出上桌了。
Articulated points with finesse, like a lawyer, but without the billable hours.
Always excited for The posts, because who else is going to make me feel this inadequately informed?
I’m so glad I stumbled upon this article. It was exactly what I needed to read!
Joy to read and contagious enthusiasm? I thought I was immune, but you proved me wrong.