感谢好姐妹送了她自己种的蒲瓜给我,有机蔬菜, 新鲜又嫩, 简单炒一下就很好吃. LD说有小时候菜的香味.
4:橄榄油1大匙,葱花1大匙, 蒜蓉2茶匙;
5:盐1/2茶匙,鸡粉1/4茶匙, 头抽酱油1大匙;
6:香油 1/2茶匙.
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。
1. 青辣椒去籽洗净,切细丝(图1)待用. 蒲瓜刮去皮, 去瓤切片(图2)。
2、炒锅开大火,放1大匙橄榄油油,放入葱花蒜蓉及虾皮炒30秒,然后放入蒲瓜片(图3), 炒2分钟.
3、放入所有5料 (图4),再炒2-3分钟至蒲瓜刚断生.
He like his sister love their brother and want to learn martial arts but shouldn’t be allowed by Ming Tian until he ultimately lets them.
Father: French Nichols born Missouri; Mother: Sarah J. Crasol, born MO.
As I write this, we’re discussing whether or not we want to risk making some fairly radical modifications to the AI in a patch for a recreation that most people appear to love, and through which NPCs mainly behave as much like real people as they ever have in any game.
In Chess rigorously measuring individual adjustments in actual matches with giant numbers of video games for small elo gains can ultimately lead to a whole lot of elo total improvement.