

收拾冰箱居然还有包干笋片, 本来想扔了, 结果打开一看, 干笋的香味正, 就泡了半包烧排骨. 没想到干笋这么嫩, 好吃.


2: 干笋片半包75克;
3: 橄榄油或其他炒菜油1大匙, 葱2条, 姜10克.
4: 生抽酱油3大匙, 头抽酱油1大匙, 老抽酱油1大匙, 罗汉果糖1-1.5大匙;
5: 水2杯.

注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。

1、干笋片提前早上用冷水泡开 (图1), 洗净待用. 将排骨背面的筋膜撕掉,排骨切开, 洗净待用。葱去掉根洗净切段, 姜切片.
2、锅置炉子上, 大中火, 加油及3料里葱及姜片炒30秒,放入排骨(图2)炒至没有什么水, 至排骨焦香(这是关键啊) (图3).

笋尖烧排骨1 1 笋片烧排骨

3、放入所有4-5料(图4), 炒匀煮开. 盖上锅盖, 调小火焖30分钟, 间中炒几下. 然后放入泡好洗净的笋片(图5).
4、继续小火煮至排骨肉软烂大约60分钟, 间中炒几下, 煮至大约有1/4 杯的汁(图6), 即可盛出上桌。

pf button big 笋片烧排骨

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907 Responses to 笋片烧排骨

  1. In Maryland, the state militia straight and aggressively challenged the Continental Army when it attempted to escort the prisoners of battle into the state.

  2. Survived by his spouse, Tillie Haden, at the house; one daughter, Mrs Helen Bahr, Wilbur, WA; 2 grandsons, Daryl and Robert Bahr, each of Wilbur; 2 nice grandchildren; Four stepchildren; Russel Doane, Wilbur, WA; Bruce Doane, Pasco, WA; Mrs Joyce Cadigan, Yakima, WA; Mrs Carol Eckhart, Porthill, ID; 9 step-grandchildren; one brother, George Haden, Wilbur; 6 sisters, Mrs Addie Stambaugh, Mrs Ella Harris, both of Wilbur; Mrs Martha Green, Mrs Nettie Wachter, Mrs Mamie Mason, Mrs Leah Storm, all of Spokane; quite a few nieces and nephews.

  3. Sidious makes use of as a puppet to control the primary Order and seduce Kylo Ren to the darkish side.

  4. This web page was final edited on 30 August 2024, at 03:35 (UTC).


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