

收拾冰箱居然还有包干笋片, 本来想扔了, 结果打开一看, 干笋的香味正, 就泡了半包烧排骨. 没想到干笋这么嫩, 好吃.


2: 干笋片半包75克;
3: 橄榄油或其他炒菜油1大匙, 葱2条, 姜10克.
4: 生抽酱油3大匙, 头抽酱油1大匙, 老抽酱油1大匙, 罗汉果糖1-1.5大匙;
5: 水2杯.

注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。

1、干笋片提前早上用冷水泡开 (图1), 洗净待用. 将排骨背面的筋膜撕掉,排骨切开, 洗净待用。葱去掉根洗净切段, 姜切片.
2、锅置炉子上, 大中火, 加油及3料里葱及姜片炒30秒,放入排骨(图2)炒至没有什么水, 至排骨焦香(这是关键啊) (图3).

笋尖烧排骨1 1 笋片烧排骨

3、放入所有4-5料(图4), 炒匀煮开. 盖上锅盖, 调小火焖30分钟, 间中炒几下. 然后放入泡好洗净的笋片(图5).
4、继续小火煮至排骨肉软烂大约60分钟, 间中炒几下, 煮至大约有1/4 杯的汁(图6), 即可盛出上桌。

pf button big 笋片烧排骨

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1,036 Responses to 笋片烧排骨

  1. Survived by his wife, Anna I Ladwig, at the home; 10 sons, Clarence Ladwig, Yakima; Wilfred Ladwig, Spokane; Bruce Ladwig, Baker, OR; Harold Ladwig, East Port, Idaho; Marion Ladwig, Pullman, WA; Kenneth Ladwig, Centralia, IL; Allen Ladwig, Columbus, GA; Gary Ladwig, Spokane; Rodney Ladwig, Davenport, WA; Vernon Ladwig, Wilbur, WA; four daughters, Mrs Louise Barr, Spokane; Mrs Shirley Pooley, Seattle, WA; Mrs Sharon Groh, Almira, WA; Mrs Marlene Lupfer, Deer Park, WA; 30 grandchildren; 24 nice grandchildren; quite a few nieces and nephews.

  2. The “King of Rock and Roll” had one of these in his estate.

  3. Hints to remember: Examine the two pieces that you can be sewing to see if you’ll be sewing two flip triangles or seams on top of each other (it’ll get a bit bulky).


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