【InstantPot 70 Delicious Dishes 七十道美味菜】上架了!
太忙、太累,没有时间煮晚餐?那从这本MaomaoMom.com里70道美味Instant Pot电高压锅菜谱开始吧,伴有一步步详细的做法,可以让您与您的家人不论在世界何地都能享受到美味又健康的晚餐。
购买【InstantPot 70 Delicious Dishes 七十道美味菜】$3.99美元:
味觉是种奇妙的东西,它就像一首从前唱熟了的老歌,不经意间就穿越时空,让我们回忆起小时候爸爸妈妈煮的那一碗馄饨、一碗面。如今身在海外的你想吃各种美味的中式点心吗? 这本书从毛毛妈厨房MaomaoMom.com 精选出30个中式咸甜点心菜谱,伴有一步步详细的做法,可以让您与您的家人不论在世界何地都能吃上美味又健康的点心哦。
Hi MaomaoMom.
I have been a big fan for a few years. Thank you for all the yummy recipes.
I just bought the ebook for the Instantpot 70 Delcious recipe. Receipt number is 8BS601958H929420Y. Can you send the ebook? Thanks.
Thanks for your kind words
Hello, the PayPal link for the instant pot recipe does not seem working. How should I pay in order to purchase the book? Thank you!
Link fixed
Thank you!
您好毛毛妈~ 一直看你的菜谱~ 刚刚才发现竟然已经有电子书整理成册了! 买了您的两本电子书~ 谢谢你一直以来坚持分享!!!
中式点心 Receipt number: 3JL72639E01584054
Instant Pot Receipt number: 07F46754V4334683G