在FarmBoy买的新鲜嫩玉米非常甜且嫩. 刮了一颗放点糯米粉少少糖, 少油煎下非常好吃.
2: 糯米粉3/4杯(100克);
3: 罗汉果糖2大匙(26克);
4: 水1/2杯减2茶匙 (110克);
5:橄榄油2大匙匙, 用来煎饼.
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。
1. 新鲜玉米剥去皮冲洗后, 切下玉米粒放入一盆里 (图1), 加入2 料里的糯米粉及3料的糖拌匀 (图2). 放入3料里的水(图3), 拌匀(图4), 至无干粉颗粒.
2、不粘锅置炉上开中小火,放1茶匙油然后用纸巾把油涂匀(图5), 分别放入1.5大匙的面糊煎4-5分钟(图6), 至底面金黄.
3、翻转一面, 再均匀加2茶匙油,煎3-4分钟至金黄, 即可盛出饼。同样煎好剩余的饼,趁热食用,唇齿留香.
Wilbur Lutheran Church with Pastor Mike Nelson and Intern Pastor Corey Fuhrman officiating.
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The previous Mazda Protege-based design returned with a smooth new wrapper and a 110-bhp 2.0-liter single-cam Zetec four-cylinder, thus ousting the old CVH engine at last.
Their menu is stuffed with inventive dishes made with natural ingredients, many of that are sourced from their very own city farm.