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毛毛妈,请问kitchaid stand mixer和面和面包机和面哪个更好?有什么不同之处吗?你推荐买哪个?谢谢
不怕贵买kitchaid stand mixer
Dear MaoMaoMom,
Can you please inform me (via my email) when the 7″ Wusthof knife above is on sale? How good is this knife? It is quite pricey. But I will buy it if it’s worthy the price. Thank you so much! 🙂
I like it very much, but it is not on sale at the moment.
maomaomom,我像买个炒锅wok那种,有没有推荐?我看Gastrolux有一款wok,不知道好不好,有点贵,你有coupon 吗?谢谢。
maomaomom,我像买个炒锅wok那种,有没有推荐?我看Gastrolux有一款wok,不知道好不好,有点贵,你有coupon 吗?谢谢。能加入你的微信群吗?我的微信是MarcellaPanda