酱爆大虾 Jumbo shrimp stir fry in soybean sauce

by 毛毛妈


 酱爆大虾 Jumbo shrimp stir fry in soybean sauce

3:绍酒1大匙,糖1/2茶匙,白胡椒粉1/8茶匙, 生抽酱油 1大匙,头抽酱油1大匙;
4:香油 1茶匙。
注:1大匙Tablespoon =15毫升,1茶匙Teaspoon =5毫升,1杯Cup=240毫升。

2、 不粘锅置炉上开大火,加1.5大匙橄榄油,放入葱花和蒜蓉(图2)炒出香味。再放入豆瓣酱和大酱(图3)炒30秒。

酱爆大虾1 酱爆大虾 Jumbo shrimp stir fry in soybean sauce

3、接着放入大虾(图4)翻炒1分钟,依次下3料(图5),继续翻炒,等虾壳变红,肉刚刚熟,大约2分钟,淋下香油 1茶匙(图5),兜炒均匀就可以出锅了。

 酱爆大虾 Jumbo shrimp stir fry in soybean sauce

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143 Responses to 酱爆大虾 Jumbo shrimp stir fry in soybean sauce

  1. The Writing is a constant source of inspiration and knowledge for me. I can’t thank you enough.

  2. Thank you for shedding light on this subject. The perspective is refreshing!

  3. I’m bookmarking this for future reference. Your advice is spot on!

  4. I appreciate the balance and fairness in your writing. Great job!


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