Soy Milk DIY
By Maomaomom
I like soy milk a lot. Before I bought this InstantPot, an electric pressure cooker ,it was a quite trouble to cook raw soy milk with a non-stick sauce pot on a stove. When you boil raw soy milk on a stove, you need to monitor it very carefully at near boiling and turn down the heat promptly. Otherwise it will over flow to the stove counter the minute at its boiling, and then you have a huge mess to clean. Since I bought this InstantPot, an electric pressure cooker , my headache is gone when making soy milk at home. This electric pressure cooker is very to use, quite, plug in, set program and leave it alone, 35 minutes later, you can enjoy your wonder soy milk.
Prepare Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 35minutes
Level: low
Serves: 8 servings
1. 1.25C dry soy beans;
2. 8C water.
Others: Cheese cloth one big pieces, blender
1: Wash soy beans and soak over night.
2: Add half soaked soy beans and 2C water into a blender, grind for 1.5 minutes. Pour mixture through cheese cloth into the inner pot of InstantPot.
3: Put the soy bean paste left on the cheese cloth back to the blender, add 2C water and grind for another minute. Pour the mixture through the cheese cloth again into the inner pot of InstantPot.
4: Repeat 2-3 steps for the remaining soy beans and collect all soy milk into the inner pot of the InstantPot.
5: Put the inner pot back to the InstantPot, plug in, select “soup” function with normal cooking time and start.
6: When it’s done, wait for 10 minutes before vent the pot and open the lid.
Maomaomom’s Note: 1C=240ml, 1t=5ml and 1T=15 ml.
St James’s Gazette. 30 July 1894. Retrieved eleven March
2016 – through British Newspaper Archive. 5 November 1894.
Retrieved 11 March 2016 – through British Newspaper Archive.
Sheffield Evening Telegraph. 20 November 1894.
Retrieved 11 March 2016 – through British Newspaper Archive.
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